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Mistress Zhao

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Posts posted by Mistress Zhao

  1. What a remarkably absurd scene from the movie of your life.

    I would pay a couple of dollars to watch it. :D


    My first experience at a love hotel was like: I was lady ditched and grumpy at my reggae bar in the snow country, drunk with an English guy - saying to him "I'm sleeping with the next woman that comes in here."

    The next woman to come in was about sixty years old (her name was Reko, she was a lush) and she ordered me garlic bread. Perfect move. English friend was like "No." and I was like "'Fraid so."

    The sex toy vending machine was cool. The bed was super novel. You could adjust all the lights a hundred different ways. Best part was this guest book in the room that was full of caricatures of like different somebody's one time sex partners, I.E. ladies with full mustaches, fat guys w/ micro dick. The worst part was when Reko fell in the hot tub, but she bounced back.

    Love hotels get a B+ in my book.

  2. I couldn't agree more.

    Well said, loveinthetimeofcollaring.



    For what it's worth, I didn't get laid until 23. But it doesn't really matter--what's more important is to figure out who you are and to embrace it. All the milestones society might attribute to maturing are nothing compared to honesty with who you really are.

  3. Seriously,

    I think we have our work cut out for us, and that the quality of our ladies has elevated to the capacity to actually help our subs in more ways than just satisfying their kinky/masochistic cravings.


    Because of the influence of many of our wonderful ladies, I have seen subs lose weight, grow a spine, shed unwanted proverbial baggage, and even get a new lease on life! It's pretty awesome.

  4. heya loveinthetimeofcollaring, (awesome name, by the way)


    So you like your cupcakes heavy on the vanilla, hm? :-P

    I'm looking forward to treating you like my own sweet little cupcake. Or maybe I'll use you like an oven and see how many cupcakes you can bake at one time. The possibilities are endless with the cupcake analogy, save the vanilla part. There will be no vanilla happening ;)


    See you soon!


    Well it was very hard to choose someone for my first experience, but after much deliberation I decided to put myself in Mistress Zhao's capable, terrifying hands. The clock is ticking down, with one week to go... *gulp*

  5. It's a particularly important distinction to know what you feel like after a session. I definitely can vouch for that energized feeling after certain sessions that feel very synergetic and connected. And of course, after some sessions I'm drained and braindead because of the energy vampism during the session.


    Thanks for reminding me of that distinction, wayne :)


    To me, i have felt very special connections.  I don't always feel one with anyone, but that depends on two things.  First on myself.  I need to be

    "mindfulness", which mZhao mentioned.  In that state, I am sensing a persons spirit, being open to anything. Without this, I would miss any opportunity to see into the other person.

    The next depends on the other person.  I may sense that I just cannot feel the person "being with me" at the moment.  if I do and can relate to the other, I feel a very strong connection. It is at moment that time does not matter.  Two of us are in contact, validating each others being and experience with each other. enjoying and perhaps learning from each, without any doubt of what is being heard is what is meant. A great amount of energy and contentment envelopes me. It is a very good feeling knowing you are really with someone who understands you.


    There are times, when the opposite occurs. Although I was open and mindful, i was having dinner with someone.  I would talk, she would talk, but I dont think any of us "heard" anything.

    it almost seemed I could have walked away, let someone else take my place, and the other person would have continued as usual with her conversation as if nothing changed!


    At fortress sessions, I find that there is always an exchange of openness with those I've been with, which always makes for a great session.  However, the complete special connections i mentioned,  seem to occur in a particular or particular mistresses. ...and these are always extra special and i am spiritually energized afterwords,  in fact the energy and connection seem are always with me for good.

  6. Fred,


    I am not dismissing, but simply categorizing the bible into the classification of "stories and fables involving metaphor and allegory which people (and children) can learn from" instead of being taken as the "word of God". Does this make more sense?


    Times were much different then, and as humans, we have evolved in ways the earlier humans couldn't imagine (like with our technological feats). But the human condition remains relatively similar, albeit slightly more complex. So I agree with you that a student of philosophy or psychology definitely needs to build his comprehensive repertoire of knowledge from the ground up.


    Mistress Zhao, you said "So what you're saying is that there a universal perception of the spirit being masculine, and the flesh being feminine? I fail to see where this idea came from, other than the bible, and we all know that those are simply stories of allegory and metaphor."   By saying "we all know" and "simply stories of allegory and metaphor" are you dismissing the bible as similar to children's fiction with some simple lessons thrown in?


    The human writers of the bible were engaged in much the same journey as most of us, existential questions if you will.  The tradition of the eastern church has always been to begin a scripture reading with an intoned "wisdom".  In a similar way I think a psychology that ignores Freud is egocentric and foolish.  Some students of philosophy think they don't need to study Plato, Aristotle and Socrates, which I cannot understand.


    Notwithstanding the above, I am delighted to be a new observer of the inquiry you and Fei are engaged in.  I will surely learn much from you.



  7. You get me, Mistress Fei :-*


    very fascinating, thank you for taking the time to share mZhao. i was never able to fully put my finger on it before, but now i know why it is your presence always seemed special and different to me. it is your mindfulness and openness and your full commitment to any and all tasks at hand. you're not a frenetic person who lives in the past and the future as most everyone is- you are here in the now and at peace.


    i think your forgiving and candid nature, even reflected in this reply (i'm pointing specifically to where you address that sometimes the synergy doesn't happen and that it's okay) also heighten that mindfulness and add a double layer of awareness and compassion. it's very admirable and i strive to add mindfulness to my daily life as well

  8. *especially* if you're about to get 12-inch-dildo raped. Because you would have to breathe and relax to let it all in!!! :D

    Thank you Mistress Zhao :). I like the term "Mindfulness". Being in the moment and where you are with no worries and doing what's right for this moment. So not being in a terminal state of fight.or flight as with traumatic incidents, (ie, skydiving, fights, car accidents, getting raped with a 12 inch dildo ;) ) but in a state of natural awareness and relaxation that even when crazy stuff happens you are able to ride the whirl winds and adapt.

  9. heya squirtwhale!


    I think your perspective on being very present and connected during times of heightened fear are spot on. Your senses become sharper as your adrenalin kick in and it's like having superpower senses. I think that these circumstances that call for our heightened awareness are special in that they can help you bring a little bit of it into your daily life, just at a slightly lower dose. And this lower dose of heightened awareness is what I call Mindfulness.


    The meditation you speak of is also a way to bring this kind of awareness into daily life, at the prescribed lower dosage :)



    Mistress Fei, I love your posts and questions! Feeling present and aware is something to strive for but for me can be elusive. I tend to day dream and get caught up in my wants, desires, fears that being present isn't always there. In the last decade I've searched and found some ways to quiet the "monkey mind" and find instances of awareness and peace. Becoming aware of your body and feelings in your body and learning to relax help.

    Times in my life where I felt truly present were traumatic or fearful events. I went skydiving once on a tandem jump and.we were the last ones out of the plane. Watching others falling out of plane knowing soon that would be me made me very aware and connected. Also, being in bad car accident in the passenger seat, I felt very aware. It happened so quick but it was like slow motion as I saw it unfold. Also, other incidents made me aware and in the moment.

    In the last month I feel connection daily when I exercise. I try and set time to myself to do this and quiet my mind and be present and.feel.

    When in session at the FF I do feel present in the moment. Much of the experience is dealing with fear. Fear of not having control, not being liked or good enough, fear of pain. It's a thrill in that respect. Most of the time I would say I am present during sessions.

  10. Gone Girl was very enjoyable! That David Fincher, he can make a film!


    But regarding mFei's inquiry of the sociological experiment of being manipulated through media..


    We are all in this sociological experiment together. Even the ones who do not participate, which may be called the Control Group. But I believe that this manipulation is often to our benefit, as we continue to grow as humans who can see beyond the puppet show and sever our own strings to the detriment of the media moguls making millions off the sheep. But as the Control Group may be the ones who refuse to participate are left behind, it's the journey through the media circus that allows us to rise above and learn from it.


    I see a return to widespread amateur media and hand-made goods. I see the media circus blowing its own fuse soon, too, as we return to the values that we all know to be true.


    Well, I was sad to give them up for personal reasons. But, I was able to give them to someone very special to me who enjoyed it very much and that made me very happy.


    But I will keep you in mind for next time :)

  11. What a wonderful inquiry, Mistress Fei. I love the opportunity to be thoughtful and reflective in my posts.


    The idea of feeling truly connected (to the source) and present in life is a practice I put under the umbrella of Mindfulness. This is contingent on nothing, it is an attitude and conscientiousness that pervades my daily moments as much as I remain open and present. I am mindful when I am preparing for a session as well as doing the dishes and watering my plants. The feeling of being connected also relates to being "in the flow" or "in the zone" and as time disappears, my true purpose in life channels through me.


    But in the particular instance of having sessions at the Fortress, I also strive for connections and presence as much as possible, although there are still times when the synergy does not happen. That doesn't mean that the quality of the session is diminished, it simply becomes a different type of session.


    I remember a singular client not too long ago, one I had never seen before. He came in quietly but left an indelible impression that surprised me. As I entered the room, I had a vision of this client playing a trumpet. As the session concluded, I asked him about his vocation and he said that he was in the city to play music. I asked him if he played trumpet and that was the very instrument he came to NYC to play that evening.


    There have also been a handful of other clients with whom I've felt instant connections with. The connections are seemingly mental, but I feel them to also be energetic. Some even feel like familiar people, as if we knew each other in past lives. This is how I know I am present and mindful. These energies register in my senses as subtle and imperceptible to many, but clear and unwavering to me.


    I'm curious to know how often you truly feel connected and present in life.


    Do you have a particular instance that you can remember of a true connection? A click? If so, how did it feel and why did it stick with you?


    Who was it? What effect did it have?


    Do you feel you are able to be present at all times, why or why not?


    What was a time you felt completely connected, present and in flow in the last month?


    Do you come to the Fortress to feel that connection, that vulnerability and flow?


    Always interested in learning more about the human condition and how it relates to BDSM.. Again- feel free to PM me if you have that privilege, if you'd rather speak to me in private. Excited to read and learn more about you.


    x Fei

  12. Love Hotels are a healthy and safe place to express your less common desires and I think the Japanese are so on point with providing a place to do so. When I first discovered them through a photography book that a friend put out, I was amazed!


    Our little three-room "love hotel" comes with a playmate!

  13. Hi mikey!

    Aw, thanks for all your kind, sweet compliments! I would SO love to play a badass in a Hollywood movie! And get fast-track trained in martial arts or sword fighting! :D

    Looking forward to seeing you in December (my birth month!)


    Mistress Zhao is really amazing. I only wish that I would have discovered the FF before I relocated to Fl....her combination of beauty,intelligence,personality and an amazing presence is something to behold ...she is REALLY cool... If I was a Hollywood director I would sooo cast her as a badass ..she could play anything I bet ...she has helped me so much in just 2 sessions...can't wait to see her this December

  14. Hi Milkdud!


    I agree with you that this article simply puts science behind the age-old practice of mind alteration/expansion/transformation. From what I can recall, it's the basis for self-flagellation, a practice used by monks to achieve an altered state :)


    And very soon, my little Mild Dud, we'll be coming into the space of altered states through pain. Hope you've been very bad! Because I do love to make you hurt!


    Dear Mistress Zhao,

    This is a very interesting study about one of my favorite topics, pain or "extreme sensation" in BDSM play;-) I agree with the study that particular types of BDSM sensations can alter a sub/bottom's sense of reality and enhance the intimate connection between dom and sub;-) It is an experience that definitely transforms consciousness to varying degrees. Of course, we have several thousand years of spiritual/religious ritual practice to support this assertion. And in BDSM play, it often can forge deepening bonds of trust i.e. a sub can both demonstrate his obedience to his lady and abandon self and physical control to her will, wielding so precisely her whip or her cane! I definitely agree that this type of play can be thrilling and invigorating! Perhaps we can put this reaction to the test very, very soon?



  15. Dearest uroboros,


    I follow the first two-thirds of your opening paragraph, but the last couple of sentences really threw me off. So what you're saying is that there a universal perception of the spirit being masculine, and the flesh being feminine? I fail to see where this idea came from, other than the bible, and we all know that those are simply stories of allegory and metaphor.


    From what I understand, the notion of the spirit being above the flesh is also a metaphor for our values. When you devalue the spirit or soul, and the body becomes the focus, objectifications like sex trafficking and abuse seem a lot more feasible.


    My understanding is the the spirit is also know as life force (prana, chi) and can exist without a body. And the body, or flesh, is a sophisticated machine made of tissue, bone, and fluid, that houses the spirit. Spirit permeates the body and also emanates from it (aura) but a body is simply a corpse without the spirit.


    I would not refer to any words that are used in reference to body parts as obscenities, but I can see why you would perceive our culture's loose usage of some words as such.


    If you need any assistance with your deliberations on choosing a Mistress, you can always email [email protected] and our wonderful Admin ladies will give you a selection of choices that best suit your interests.



    Dear Admin:

    The reference in the article, that BDSM can be spiritual as opposed to sexual points up the central problem of elevating the spirit above the so called lowly flesh. Aside from the obvious objection to the knee jerk assignment of the spiritual as masculine, heavenly, above and better than the body, what we call spiritual is always about movement and body. The spirit is the flesh. The visceral and sensual are the antennae for achieving the 'higher frequencies' mistakenly accused as being not body, not human, and spiritual. The surest clue to this, and for me a central mystery is that the words we use for sex and the body parts associated with sex are also called obscenities, and the worst things that can be said to one another. The notion of original sin is the villain here, where the blame falls on woman and the body.


    The professional fantasy salon is theatre, therapy, and the perfect place to exorcize demons. I intend to visit soon. My quandary is whom to choose as all of you feel like artists, and that you seem to treat your work as play. (a true sign of wisdom)


    Thank you,


    Marco Runanin

  16. Hi Rabbit ;D


    I think what the article chose to focus on was the purest form of the term BDSM; bondage, discipline, sadism and masochism. Or perhaps even just sadism and masochism. While I agree that BDSM is an umbrella term for a plethora of activities and notions, it seems that the focus was on what most people try to avoid in life: pain.


    Your cognitive discombobulation is perhaps a result of a series of steps that bring you into a space sanctioned only for BSDM play with a Mistress you have met only under the guise of BDSM. So it's almost like a ritual for you to come up the elevator, enter the gate with the guidance of "the voice", walk down the darkened halls and into the play room. Everything here is designed to take you away from your normal, everyday sights and sounds. Your daily logic and thought behaviors are not applicable here. You must adopt a new space in your cognitive behaviors, and turning down that dial of activity is one effective way :)


    This is a really interesting article that focuses on a very specific aspect of BDSM. It is not clear that the researchers understand the breadth of the word BDSM or they chose to focus on one specific aspect of it. But the article does hit on a lot of truths, especially relating to operation of the brain during BDSM. I have wondered for quite some time why I feel more cognitively impaired during a session that outside of it. There would be so many thoughts I have prior to a session and post but during the session my mind goes blank. This would explain that phenomenon quite well. Of course the other explanation is I am retarded ;) But I like to think the article is right. LOL.

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