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Mistress Zhao

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Posts posted by Mistress Zhao

  1. I absolutely LOVE slapping!! So satisfying!!! This video is terrific!

    Unfortunately I've never had the guts to do it in public. I fear that the humiliation is karmic.

    Although there was that one time when I was about to knee a guy in the groin..

  2. All of the clips4sale videos are POV, didn't you know?


    I think POV videos, where one can imagine it's you in session, would be more effective.


    To be honest though, not sure I want to share the Fortress with anyone who has a credit card. I kind of like that its a low key place.



    I LOVE this idea! Perhaps if we can't make it happen here, I'll just go renegade with my vidcam! ;)


    What are five questions you'd like to ask?


    I would like to suggest adding interviews with the mistresses to the clips4sale site. The mistresses can interview each other, maybe using members' questions. I would buy every one of the videos for sure.

  3. Good thinking. I have been known to TKO on the first run. But that's only if you ask for it!


    It has indeed, not long to go now but still quite a bit of conspiring time for you.


    I should probably prepare myself. This was actually going to be my second session because I thought it might be too intense for my first session.


    What kind of off-color question is this?



    but is she single?

  4. electrofan,


    Thank you so kindly for your flattering review!

    We take pride in our courtesy and attentiveness to your specific fetishes and needs because we believe that everyone with an interest in deviating from the vanilla-single-scoop-in-a-cup deserves a chance to get to explore the gigantic multi-scoop-banana-up-your-butt-in-a-waffle-cone-sundae that is so often fantasized about!

  5. This thread makes me giggle! There's a tumblr called "boys with their cats" and it's like viagra for females (who like cats).


    My kitties are now only allowed on the bed when I am monitoring them. Minus Buddy, actually, because he's shedding like crazy. I mean there are tiny squiggly orange hairs in my drawers and on my soap and in my salt cellar! I've already had him groomed and washed, but it's out of control. If you ever want to torture me, inundate and suffocate me with cat hairs!!!

  6. Manpeach,


    I do love your lyrical poems. And I especially love them when you sing them to me, naked :)



    Love your esoteric style ittyb. Even the spacing on the page shows meaning. Very nice and you inspired me.




    Gentle is the caress,

    that tears into your flesh.


    Bending warps into the mind.

    Giving sight, to what was blind.


    Body removed from the whole,

    separating out the inner soul.


    Do you have the strength and will?

    Is there a mistress who possesses the skill?


    Just out of sight, who might this Mistress be?

    Look again, it’s Mistress Z

  7. I enjoy the openness and ease of the discussion. Oh yeah, and you both happen to be naked.

    This aspect of the event adds to the unique level of comfort of being with your mistress. The uninhibited nature of the situation enhances the openness and sharing of thoughts and feelings.


    I wish I could sit naked together with friends once in awhile. I’m sure the conversation would be much more interesting.


    Well put, Manpeach!


    This is an interesting insight because I also believe that stripping away the masks and facades that clothing and artifice can provide would lead us to be more honest and sincere humans. We feel more natural in our naked states, more vulnerable, but also more open and feel less of a need to maintain the front we think we need to "get through life".


    If only we ALL walked around naked, the world would be a much much much more honest and perhaps peaceful place!!

    I guess I now know one of the many appeals of nudist colonies.

  8. LOL


    I hope this is the beginning of your emo love song to me, ittybitty, and that you croon it to me next time we play :)


    how can i be cool in my uncoolness .. fit where i dont feel like i belong .....


    to be owned by Her ... illusion or reality ...


    my part time love Dominatrix






    Mistress .....

  9. Mark27,


    Thanks so much for your review of our time together. I'm very glad that your elsewhere mark didn't last. All that rubbing must've helped ;)

    I do hope we get to play again. Physical marking isn't necessarily a requirement, for the mental ones are more indelible anyway.


    I had been very much looking forward to an opportunity to visit the Fetish Fortress. For my first session I decided on a two-hour double domme session with Mistress Zhao and Mistress Koi. I spent the days leading up to the session in close anticipation and looking at their pictures over and over. And I was not disappointed when I finally got the chance to meet them. They are every bit as beautiful as in their very well done portfolios. And they are absolute fun to be with and I liked them both as mistresses and as a person. They made a great team. Mistress Koi is quite a tease with looks and a smile that could seduce me into anything - but she is also a piece of work when she works your nipples and uses her implements. The equally beautiful Mistress Zhao manages to be easy going and command an air of strictness and authority at the same time. She does not need to rely on the stereotypes of a very formal mistress and slave relationship. Sometimes it felt like hanging out with them in a special way (although I perhaps it more was me hanging down :wink:. I truly enjoyed this dynamic and they nevertheless kept me on the edge all session.


    I provided them with a quite a bit of background and they designed the session perfectly along the preferences given and limits set. They managed to keep things playful and in a very relaxed atmosphere but still truly kept me on the edge and commanded natural authority. They really got into my head, pushed the envelope just at the right time and to the right amount and made me wish for more. At the end of a two-hour session I truly would have taken anything for them and I wished there was more time and less limits given that I wanted to avoid marks. Unlike many other mistresses I had been with they walked that line really well. They pushed a lot of my buttons and a day later I still feel the sensations when sitting – but my butt looks pretty normal, no bruising at all (and Mistress Zhao, no worries – the small mark elsewhere seems to quickly abate).


    I really need to be back and perhaps spend even more time at a time when I can allow for a bit of marking. I’m really looking forward my next opportunities to visit them (and also perhaps some of their stunning colleagues). I’m already starting to imagine ways to spice things up further, which priorities Mistresses Zhao and Koi would set for my training now that they know me better – and of course which vicious ideas they’d deceive to push our session to the next level.




    Don't let her into you head. If you do. she'll own you.


    It's true, I do like to get inside people's heads. But there isn't a soul on the forum who can say that my penetrating manipulations have done any damage or deterred a life worth living!

    Thanks, my little Manpeach!


    Nice start to what will be a long relationship Mark. I have the same " no marks" limitation as well. It is amazing how much pain they can inflect and have you still intact. I highly recomend letting Mistress Zhao in your head. Once she's in there she'll shake things up and you'll love it!

  10. Predicament bondage is one of my very favorite activities, simply for the fact that males have a few more parts that can be tied to stationary objects (or themselves) than females.

    I love tying a sub up on his knees so that he is ass-height to me and holding myself just an inch out of reach. His delicate parts tethered to a stationary object like the rack. The torturous look on a sub's face usually makes me smile. And from there on, he must reach further and further for a kiss of my sweet bum.

    And this is usually the premise for the predicament.

    Worship me at the expense of your delicate little manparts.


    But sometimes when I'm feeling extra sadistic, I like to tie a sub in a stooped posture so that he can only look at the ground. And when instructed to move, any motion from his legs will pull on the tether to his nether parts. And so on.

  11. What a cutie, Manpeach. Or should I call you Old Gregg now? ;)

    He looks like a handful. But boy cats are also super affectionate.


    Here's a couple of snapshots of the jerks I live with.


    The orange tabby is named Buddy. He's bashful and sweet and always has this funny look on his face like he did something shameful. The black one is named Lady. She is a highly domesticated pussy who only drinks out of the tub faucet and only sleeps on the bed (usually somewhere on my body). She's also basically me in cat form; black hair that has a reddish tint in the sun, deceptively sweet with a nasty mean streak, and loves to have her way (like sniffing Buddy's butt every chance she gets)


    We know that Mistress Fei has a new kitten, but no picture. Mistress Zhao has a cat or two, How are they doing?


    Do any other mistresses have pussys they'd like to share with us?



    This is my kitten, Smoky


    he's going to get neutered next week!



  12. cheapskate handyman, for sure ;)

    The reason these shoes are so expensive is the quality of materials and craftsmanship!

    Maybe it's the Handyman or cheapskate in me, but Mistress Koi I think you process the skills to make a pair yourself.


    Howard, did you seriously just misspell 'triple', Mr. Lofty IQ?

    Well on the website a pair of boots and shoes total $ 3400. Definitely a few hours of sessioning even with a tripple domme rate. As they say, ponder wisely.

  13. I greatly appreciate you two guys' advocating me.

    Thank you!


    So what's the problem?? LOL Ms Zhao is a lot of things…sadistic is one small piece. Open your mind and trust Her and She will take You on a wild journey. i would die happy if I drowned in the tidal wave of the energy that She generously shares. You have medical insurance….right? jk jk Make the call :D

    Well, Mistress Zhao has many facets to her sessioning. I can attest she can be sadistic, but she has great empathy and reads your needs very well. As to what you can imagine, it will not even come close to the reality. The reality will be far better. Go for it, you will not be disappointed.

  14. Sub_Hub (great name)


    I am kind of sadistic. But I am also kind of fun, intelligent, intuitive, caring, and mind-bending. Perhaps our first time won't be spent with the whip, but I'll still be able to laugh at your pain :)

    Don't you want to be my little pleasure puppet?


    I'm very curious, and apprehensive, about meeting Mistress Zhao. She seems kind of sadistic. I imagine her tying me up spead-eagle, and while I'm in an upright position, tying a string around mme and whipping me. As I cry out in pain, she'll laugh at how I bounce around like her little pleasure puppet! Hmmm, maybe my next session will be with her!!

  15. Jay,

    It sure was fun making you feel like a dirty little slut. But we have just a little bit more work to do to make your body match your actions! And then maybe you'll be worthy of showing off to all the other Mistresses ;)


    Yup she is incredible. So sensual. Made me fell like such a dirty slut :smile:

  16. Bastinado! My favorite too!!

    Welcome to our forum, and soon to the fantastical world of imaginings that can only occur within the walls of the Fetish Fortress :)

    I like your username a lot, too. Egyptian mythology is one of my favorite topics.



    My favourite activities include foot worship, ballbusting, nipple torture and bastinado.


    I'm open to trying new things, I will be trying things that I have never experienced before when I visit the Fortress. Some activites I'm interested in trying include needles, electro and toilet training. When a Mistress talks about an activity with passion it can spark an interest in me.

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