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Status Updates posted by Phred

  1. Thanks for friending me, Rusty!

  2. Hello Mistress Zhao! I retched tuna all night in the gym today. When will I ever learn???

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Is this becoming one of your favorite activities or what?!

    2. Phred


      I have to admit I am a total crack-whore for tuna!

  3. Dannyboy - I used the Ancestry.com DNA kit. Was about $99 and pretty straight-forward.

    1. Dannyboy


      Thanks. Wife thinks I'm only a little human and I think she's only a little Earthling. Now we dan settle the dispute.

  4. Hey Edgar!!! How are you doing?

    1. EdgarAH


      Hey Phred! Doing good! I retired from my job last month and am dealing with the awkwardness of that (I guess I'll find something else to do soon). How are you doing?

    2. EdgarAH


      Glad to hear you're doing well! and I hope everything works out for you. I try to intermingle high quality stuff with the Coors light from time to time, ha. Those Ommegang's were such a nice gesture. Happy Holidays coming to you and yours!

  5. Hey Manpeach!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Manpeach


      HAHAHAHAHAHA!! You should really wear those for your next visit!


      did you ask them how they knew of these?

    3. Phred


      They just found them on Google, or so they say ;) ...

    4. Manpeach


      I'm sure they just typed in 'farm underwear'


      I got a laugh when I found the hat in my basement. One of my son's friends must have left it behind.

  6. Hello Mistress Zhao! Thank you for a wonderful session the other day! Once again, "Adagio" pretty much killed me...

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Heya Phred! It's always a lot of fun provoking wails and falsetto mini-operettas from you! I'll have to include Barber's Adagio in future sessions, it works like a charm!

  7. Hello Mistress Tran! Thanks for a great session the other day! I'm so excited that we share fetishes ;) !

  8. Hello Mistress Lu! It was so nice to meet you the other day - thanks for stopping by!

  9. Hey Manpeach!

    1. Phred


      We were talking about fuzzy handcuffs the other day at work, and one of my female co-workers turned to me and said "fuzzy handcuffs are SO vanilla!". WOW!

    2. Manpeach


      LMAO! Give her a raise, a promotion and your pants!

  10. Hey TW! I hope things are going well with you. Saw this ad, thought of you:

    1. TrackWarrior


      VERY COOL Phred. Thank you :)


  11. Hello, Mistress Tran!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Phred


      I've also ditched all my "workout" drinks/shakes and focus solely on pure protein powders, which I supplement with other things. I get all my protein now from www.proteinfactory.com - really high-quality, great stuff.


    3. Phred


      Hoping to see you at the end of October :) .

    4. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      Ill check it out- thanks! I hope to see you in Oct as well!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Or perhaps truck pulling?

    3. Phred


      Mistress Zhao - YES!!! I haven't pulled a truck in a while, but I'm working up to it. Hopefully soon.

    4. Phred


      Wheels are for pansies...

  13. Welcome to the FF, Mistress Chun!

  14. Welcome to the FF, Mistress Kwon!

  15. Hey Howard! Any new sessions coming up soon?

  16. Hey, Manpeach! One of the women at work today told me "For having such large hands, you're quite skilled" :) ...

    1. Manpeach


      LOL. You have "man-hands"!

      I love your office.

      How does M Zhao feel about those hands? She does love a good set of hands as well.

    2. Manpeach


      LMAO on your comment on MT's potty picture

  17. Hi Mistress Zhao! Judas Priest and Steel Panther are on tour - SWEET!

    1. Phred


      Barclay's Center on 10/9, IZOD (NJ) 10/17! WOO-HOO! HELL BENT FOR LEATHER!

    2. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Is this a good time to do a pre- and post- concert session?! Kidding! Rock out with your cock out!!!!

    3. Phred


      Not quite yet, but definitely working on it. Waiting for a new DT tour :) .

  18. Hi Anubis! Thanks for friending me!

  19. Welcome to the Fortress, Mistress Lu!

  20. Hello Mistress Tran!!! It was really great to see you this weekend!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Phred


      I hope this helps - all of a sudden I've been making really great strides. It was good to see you, will be planning a session with you soon!

    3. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      Thank you! Im checking it all out

    4. Phred


      Mistress Tran, please be careful of overtraining.

  21. Hello Mistress Fei! Thanks for stopping by yesterday!

  22. Hi Mistress Tran!

    1. Phred


      I hope your gym exploits are coming to fruition. I came across this guy a few days ago and now I can't get enough. He's pretty freakin' hilarious, but it's been helping me out so much in the gym! I hope you find it as amusing/motivational as I do. As a sample, check this video out:

    2. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      Hi....I thought of you when I had back to back arm workout classes!

  23. Hey Edgar!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EdgarAH


      Hey Phred! No, I have a high school reunion that evening, so if I went to this I'd be shot. And, I hope all's well with you too! How's the weightlifting coming along?

    3. Phred


      HA! My high school class tried to plan a 25th reunion about a year ago - we were so lame nobody signed up so it was cancelled!

    4. Phred


      Weightlifting is slow - I had a bad cold in January that I couldn't shake, so I lost a lot. I'm better now, so I'm building again. Changed things around and trying to get more serious. Looking for tracking apps to keep track of my progress, so we'll see how it goes. Changing my diet again, which has also helped. I'll keep you posted.

  24. Hi Mistress Tran! I saw this and OF COURSE thought of you: http://www.beerbourbonbacon.com/

  25. Welcome to the Fortress, Mistress Fei!

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