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Everything posted by Jayman

  1. That was one of my favorite lines. But there were other gems in there. Thanks for the correction I was typing way too fast. Jay
  2. Hi Dannyboy, Depends!!! LOL The Judge Durham got into trouble for letting Denver Allen get to him and losing control of the court room. It was basically a slap on the wrists though. Jay
  3. This is a very valid question and something I thought also. I'm trying to find the answer out. If I do I'll post it. Jay
  4. BettyBannas and Mistress Zito, You are both very welcome. I had a terrible grind last week. It sucked. This Rick and Marty skit made me laugh so hard on Saturday and brightens up my weekend. I figured I'd post it Monday morning to give Fortress members something funny to start their week off with. Thanks, Jay
  5. Hi Bettybananas, It is from the creators. They showed a rough anamatic version at Comic Con last July.
  6. Glad you liked it Mistress Kang. "All the white but boys love me to death too."
  7. Hi everyone, I just saw this over the weekend though its been online for a while. Don't know if anyone on this board watches Rick and Morty but this is really funny and I wanted to share it. Its the actual exchange between The Honorable J. Bryant Durham and defendant Denver Fenton Allen from a court hearing held on June 17th 2016 in Rome Georgia. The creators of Rick and Morty obtained a copy of the court transcript last July and made this insane re-enactment. Morty plays the Judge and Rick, his Grandfather, plays the defendant. I'm still in shock that this isn't something made up. It's the real court proceeding verbatim. Below is the video and I've also put the link to the court transcripts. It's very funny but after reading the transcripts it's sad also. http://coosavalleynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Transcript-Denver-Allen.pdf
  8. Hi Mistress Katz, That is a funny pic! I would love to see her walking the local mail man through my lobby.
  9. OMG, that would be fun! I'd be so overwhelmed with fear and excitement that my heart might explode.
  10. Jayman

    Well you are statuesque, Von Dietz. Its a fitting pic. And I agree with GDH94.
  11. You look ridiculously good in this pic, Mistress Shankar!
  12. WOW! I want a Foodini! Thanks for this, Mistress Zito!
  13. Hi Jessy, It's a very good movie. The part that freaked me out is, that even with all 9 children in the 29ft trailer with them, the parents had sex every night. I couldn't even imagine that. YUCK! Dorian Paskowitz was a very interesting guy. That little splice you like is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his personality. I'm glad it piqued your curiosity :-). Please, let me know what you thought after you've scene it. I would love to hear your opinion.
  14. What he said, Mistress Von Dietz. "Embodiment of Physical Perfection" I can not agree more.
  15. Jayman

    HOLY F&%KIN WOW!!! You are one captivating beauty, Von Dietz.
  16. Hi JJB, The Tiny Dungeon sounds amazing! Or a traveling Dungeon for road trips sounds like a blast.
  17. Hello Mistress Von Dietz! That sounds like a rocking little domicile you would have there. Would love to be one of your party favors and have you break me with that 3D printed Strap on! I hope your doing well My Femdom Muse :-)
  18. Hi Mistress Kang, That sounds awesome! Living in a streamliner is something I would definitely want to do. Though it would just have to just be me and maybe one or two other people. But it does bring to mind the documentary Surfwise from a while ago. Its about Dorian Paskowitz and his family and how they traveled around the country surfing. Have you seen it? Its very Interesting.
  19. Hi Mistress Zito, 3D Printed food! Where did you see this? Now that is very interesting.
  20. Yeah, Its small. For me thats OK. I'm a little guy to begin with and live kind of minimal. I find I don't need a lot but would seriously consider something like this.
  21. Oh Man, The Double Domme Session with Von Dietz is HOT! But you put this whole G.I. Joe fantasy in my head (NERD) and the female Cobra villain in that mythology is Baroness. A dark haired brunet (Sometimes Depicted as Asian). The female heroes are usually Blonde like Cover Girl: Or Brown like Lady Jay (No relation): But I would love if, after a while of being dominated by Von Dietz, that she flips the good and bad personifications. So I wouldn't know what to expect. Is the good one going to be evil? Or is the evil one going to be good? That would keep me on edge and add to the intensity of the scene.
  22. Soft serve vanilla LOL! Thats exactly what I was envisioning when I was writing my post. Also, doing it to a fat person. But thats just mean.
  23. Oh my god Spermwhale, This reminds me of a time when I was a kid. My dad was teaching me how to make Braised Broccoli Rabe with Aleppo Oil. He put the skillet down and said "Don't touch that. It's hot" so I immediately reached for it and burned my hand. Now that I'm older I understand why he refers to me as Knuckle Head.
  24. My uncontrollable urge is to push someones hand up into their face while they are eating an ice-cream cone. I would never do it though cause its a dick move. Summertime is just around the corner so I'm going to be suppressing that urge A LOT.
  25. Sperwhale, Have you seen the "Pissed Off Asian Chics" thread Mistress Kang posted a few weeks ago? After seeing that you should think twice about the buttons on the elevator.
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