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Status Updates posted by Manpeach

  1. Hope you're having a nice day, Professor Miller

  2. Hope you've got something good for your 1000th post

    1. Howard


      I do actually since I am no longer impulsive

    2. Manpeach


      Very nice post Howard. Mistresses like it when they can change you way of thinking. I still like you impulsive and I'm sure there's plenty of that still in you

    3. Howard


      It is all a facade. Impulsive and smart ass will never be totally submerged, just slightly altered. But my change in thinking is not related to impulse control, but more how to evaluate what is important in my life journey. A far more relevant topic.

  3. Just noticed your Tran(quil) state of mind. very clever

    1. Howard


      I thought so as well. Should have occurred to me the first time when I decided on Tranquil. Obvious, but I think a nice touch.

  4. You have been showing impulse control Howard. I was wondering when you'd post on your mega mil thread. but I see you've been buried in the tax code

    1. Howard


      I am always prepared to spend whatever it takes to ensure the leaches of society, the IRS, are thwarted.

  5. Hi Phred, can you email me at [email protected] ?

  6. Mistress Zhao, once again you've torn me open and poured me out on to the floor. Thank you for helping me release my pain.

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Manpeach! Our last session was very special, with minimal tearing (the painful kind, not the wet kind). And of course, my favorite line ever, "what's in my butt?" :D

    2. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Oh, and thank you for singing the song you wrote! I enjoyed it immensely!

    3. Manpeach


      It was my pleasure to sing it for you, Mistress Zhao. And I'll be keeping my eye on the Japanese TV listings for the new game show.

  7. Plenty O'Toole, you are shockingly evil ! Thank you for another fabulous session.

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      Was our time together....breathtaking?

    2. Manpeach


      You are a knockout Mistress Tran. And thanks for the heal imprint today !

  8. Hey Phred, I'm bring a couple boxes of St Patrick's chocolates and a few St patty's hats for the mistresses tomorrow from you.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Manpeach


      Love it ! Kel Carson speaking. My all time favorite. Marine biologist. YouTube.com/watch?v=_zePQavorA&list=RD_T35Qhlx_KI. " I could see directly into the eye of the great fish" "Mammal" "Whatever"

    3. Phred



    4. Manpeach


      I love the look on Jerry's and Elaine's faces as they try to process that metaphor. :-D

  9. Was my Seinfeld reference too vague on the "Two hours vs Double Domme" thread?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Manpeach


      Thanks I'm looking forward to seeing Mistresses Tran and Zhao

    3. Phred


      Damn, seems you've reached the limits of my Seinfeld knowledge - sorry I missed that one!

    4. Manpeach


      Not to worry, I couldn't even find it on YouTube . I'm sure you'll catch it on a rerun and recognize it and say oh yeah that's what mp was talking about

  10. I hope you are plotting for Thursday Mistress Tran

    1. Howard


      Mistress Tran is always plotting. The only question, how deep she will plot you. I am sure there will be enough (barely) left for Mistress Zhao.

    2. Manpeach


      I hope to be broken down. As you know this will be a double domme session but not together, back to back

  11. Hey Wofyperson, I was at a conference meeting that I serve as the Chairman. We had a quest and I introduced myself as the "Chairman" another member (female), standing next to us chimed in and corrected me to say, "Chairperson". I couldn't help but think of you. LOL

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Howard


      The correct phrase to be completely neutral - four footed living thing.

    3. Howard


      Well Manpeach, I suspect when we were kids all of the doctors and lawyers were MALE. A travesty long since corrected.

    4. Manpeach


      Howard, my point exactly. I remember a brain teaser from the 60's. A father and son are in a car crash, the father is killed and the son goes to the emergency room. The doctor comes in and says "I cannot operate on this boy, he is my son." Who is the doctor?

      That used to stump people because no one could imagine a woman as a doctor!

  12. I hope you don't keep me waiting too long for my "special message" Mistress Jung.

  13. I can't tell enough how it touched me to read your post. I can't wait to read Mistress Zhao's response

    1. Howard


      Well lets hope she reads it. You are welcome.

  14. Hey DogZ Why so sad? on your new Icon

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Manpeach


      It has been a very tough few days on my body and mind. Mistress Tran, Mistress Zhao, a day skiing, Mistress Kang and a total of 800 miles of driving

    3. Dogzilla


      Looks like Nurse Zhao took care of your wounds!

    4. Manpeach


      Always the best medicine

  15. Hi Mistress Tran, I was in Staples today and thought of you as i passed through the Paper Fasteners aisle. I didn't dare stop and look

    1. Howard


      Manpeach, you should buy more fasteners - the Mistresses can never have to many of those.

    2. Manpeach


      If I put them on my company charge acct I'll get reward points!

  16. Hi Mistress Zhao. I can't wait to see you when you return from your trip. Have a good time !

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Thank you, my fuzzy little manpeach! I'm so looking forward to warmth!!

    2. Manpeach


      Don't forget the sunscreen !

  17. Hey Phred, your Home Depot and Phineas T Phred posts are hysterical !

    1. Phred


      Thanks, Dude! I agree with you about the snow - I love it, although I haven't skied in a long time.

  18. Hey Howard. I like the new icon. look like a stock tracker or my EKG either way it's seems as of lately it's going in the wrong direction.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Manpeach


      Just to be clear, I was referring to the downward trend of the stock market over the last couple weeks

      Your personality is right on track!

    3. Howard


      Well I have people tell me I am a certified genius or just certifiable. Given where I am on my journey in life, who cares.

    4. Howard


      But I really value your opinion Manpeach, highly.

  19. Hi Mistress Zhao. I was in my chiropractor's office today. As I lay on the table, my arms at my side, she said she loves it when I am her first patient of the day, as I give off such a mellow energy. Made me think of the end of our last session when you told me (as I lay on the floor with my arms at my side) I submitted so easily

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      You do have a mellow energy which lends itself so perfectly to submission! And you are usually so trusting (in the company of professional care-givers) ;)

  20. Hi Edgar. I watched Brooklyn 99 and I agree with post about Rosa looking like MistressTran. I am now a fan of the show!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EdgarAH


      hell, I'd even give Chelsea Peretti a shot ;)

    3. Manpeach


      I often get sidetracked watching the actresses and lose the plot of the show. I've yet to get through Elementary without having rewind as I've been staring at Lucy liu

    4. EdgarAH


      Oh man, I've always had a thing for Lucy Liu dating back to her early TV series'. Good choice.

  21. I hope you were skiing in Salt Lake, Mistress Tran. I attended the U of U and spent more time skiing than studying.

    1. Howard


      U of U, who would have thunk it. I am surprised you spend any time studying.

    2. Manpeach


      ahhh... the freedom of academia !

  22. Hi Mistress Zhao, I've posted a tribute to my mother on my about me page. I thought you may enjoy a poem I had written for her.

  23. Mistress Zhao. As always, it is incredible being with you. But I come back to reality. Fabio wrecked another car last night. Spent the day in the hospital but he is ok. No one else involved.

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      ANOTHER car??!!! That's ridiculous. He's cut off!!

    2. Manpeach


      Yes he is, I'm out of cars

  24. Mistress Tran, it was so intense looking into your eyes and you telling me " This is going to happen"

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      Im very proud of you for taking the "crown of clamps"....makes me smile.

    2. Manpeach
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