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Status Updates posted by Manpeach

  1. Hi mZ, welcome back, hope you had a nice trip. See you Thursday

  2. New Portlandia episodes start tonight !

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      I wish I had TV to watch them....I m gong to have download later this week!


  3. I'm really enjoying your writing LitToC. keep them coming!

    1. loveinthetimeofcollaring


      Thanks for the encouragement! :]

  4. hey IS, do you have any feedback on my last work, "Things I never Zpeak of " . have I become a better poet since you took me to school?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Manpeach


      I'm just here so I don't get fined.

      I recall those pics you posted awhile back.


      New toy? Yikes!



    3. Milkdud


      Hehehehehe Those pics illustrate probably the most severe beating I've received at the FF to date;-) But the lovely, generous, sadistic attentions of both MT and MZ were directed to both the internal and external this time;-)


    4. Milkdud


      and MT was wearing cleets too, only they were on the tops of her boots;-)

  5. hey theotherone, I like the new icon. I liked the other one too, but it did kinda creep me out.

    1. theotherone


      lol, thanks for the comment, lmfao.

      Yes the other was intentionally "out there", I received a few comments. Comes with the territory i suppose

      I couldn't resist this one and it was time for something new.


  6. Hey VirginiaSB, Thanks for friending me. I do like your icon

    1. VirginslaveboyKK


      Got it off of 4chan aka the dark side of the internet XD

    2. Manpeach


      I don't know what that is, but the image is hot. Jack29 has a similar hot icon in a similar vein.

  7. Hi Mistress Zhao, You haven't read my PMs, so I thought I'd drop a note here incase you didn't get a notification.

  8. Hey Phred, anything special going on tomorrow?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Manpeach


      Did you free the man in the cage?

    3. Phred


      No, but spent some time scoping things out. He was definitely held down by several skeletons, may make escape difficult. Need to keep working on this one.

    4. Manpeach


      I was struggling to set up my gag, I should have brought a piece of tape. Mistress Ree chased me out of the hall. I didn't even see the skeletons until I was on the way out. Hence my "boning " comment on the Forum. I've got to think of something I can do faster next time.

  9. your comment on MZ'S gallery just made me smile, thinking of the times she has sat her butt on my face and taken my breath away. yes I am lucky to serve her.

  10. who were you before, Nancy?

    1. Nancy from now on
    2. Manpeach


      Ah yes. I recall Mistress Tran posting this video a while back. Very interesting dynamic

  11. hey DogZ, did you have a sexchange operation?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Manpeach


      One year when I was in elementary school I wanted to be a cat for Halloween. All the masks we saw were of scary cat faces, until I came across Felix. I've been a fan of this wonderful, wonderful cat. He made me laugh so much my sides would ache!

    3. Dogzilla


      ....and your heart would go pitter pat, watching Felix, the wonderful cat. Righty-Oh!!! I just saw this, thus the delayed response.

    4. Manpeach


      HA Ha I had forgotten the "Righty-Oh!"

      nice to see you're a Dog again

  12. Hi Mistress Zhao, please say 'Hi' to Phred on Thursday for me

  13. up late I see. hope you had a nice evening.

    1. Mistress Tran
    2. Manpeach


      Me too. Ate too much at dinner, muscles, ship salmon lobster. I've taken some Alka seltzer and an extra pill. So far no shut eye.

  14. hey Fred. I like your icon. has that implied "we're not in Kansas anymore " lol. no we are not!

    1. Manpeach


      Glad to have you as a friend. Welcome to the forum

  15. I can't believe I'm at my sisters' house already. it was just moments ago I was in your care. thank you for everything.

    1. Dannyboy


      All good things must come to an end.

    2. Manpeach


      Not an end, Dannyboy, just a step on a much longer journey.

  16. hey MilkD, that was awesome! thanks

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Milkdud


      Hey MP! I noticed the more cow bell reference? Are you a BOC fan?

    3. Manpeach


      Hi MD, I do enjoy BOC when they come on the radio, but I don't own any of there stuff. The reference is more to some turmoil in my life right now. My wife and I were listening to GH All Things Must Pass. after Wah-Wah I realized I don't need the fretting and worrying that I've been doing. Later I thought of the SNL skit and I discovered what I really need some is kick ass cowbell!

    4. Milkdud


      Sorry to hear about the turmoil you are experiencing at present. But it sounds like you've let go of some needless worry and that always brings a good measure of peace. And there's nothing like kick-ass cow bell to drive along a tasty beat!

  17. Hi mZ, I'm reading 'A Life Worth Breathing " (recommended by Spermwhale ) I've come to a story of a woman who's life situation is very similar to mine. the yogi master suggestion to her was to read writings of great souls to expand her vision and give her context. I was wondering if you have any recommendations for me to start with.

  18. Hey WR, I completely missed the "Brandley" LMAO, glad Mistress Zhao pointed it out

  19. Hi mZ, I'm healing nicely. I had to get out of yoga last night to avoid wearing shorts. i went sailing instead. My wife caught a quick glimpse of it the other day as I slipped on my pants. "Awww, you have a boo boo" she said

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      HAHAHAHA it certainly is a booboo!!!

    2. Manpeach


      My wife and I went kayaking today. It wss 80 degrees today, I had to wear shorts! I spent the entire time positioning myself to her left side. The scab is now gone and it is a difinitive red line. Fortunately it didn't catch her eye.

  20. You are a formative foe, Miss O'Toole. I will always remember your eyes, as my vision fogs and fades to black

    1. Manpeach


      My neck still hurts. Thought you'd like that

    2. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      From that massage I gave you using my legs?

  21. Thank you for a wonderful afternoon. It was a pleasure to be in your caring hands, and you in mine

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Don't you mean my carving hands? :-D

      The feeling is mutual, my fuzzy little manpeach!

    2. Manpeach
  22. hey justaguy, what's happening with Kim and Joe?

    1. JustAGuy


      Hey Manpeach, I haven't been around much lately. I've been pretty bummed about Mistress Haru leaving. There's a little more I could add to Kim and Joe's story, but it's really only one more posting and I don't know when I'll have time to add more. Never say never though.

    2. Manpeach


      Sorry to hear you're bummed about Mistress Haru. It's been quite a year for separation

      As for Kim and Joe, Looking forward the final chapter, whenever it happens

  23. My PM privileges have been shut off. I am left outside a closed door, I am silent, alone..........

  24. I hope you have had a chance to review my session requests, Just wanted to reinforce, My clothes (except shoes) are completely disposable. Looking forward to plot twists. 007

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      Yes I have...plotting has already begun.

  25. Zoon, very Zoon

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Manpeach


      Shaken, not stirred

    3. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      I really wish somebody would've taken a pic of the little caged man escaping down that rope! Next time!!

    4. Manpeach


      You could re-stage it. I'm mentioning it in the review I'm writing.

      I have something else planned for him next visit.


      Also, was the 2 hour lunch your idea?

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