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Status Updates posted by Manpeach

  1. Good Morning Dr Zhao. Thank you so much for seeing me last Friday and bringing me back. It was so nice seeing your face as I stepped into reality. I did miss not having our one to one time at the end. That's something i'll look forward to until next time

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Manpeach


      So, where do we go next ?

    3. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      That's a good question. I think I'd like to continue making you cry until you bawl. Regressive therapy!

    4. Manpeach


      Whatever you say, you're the doctor!

  2. Hi Mistress Zhao, i wanted to check in with you on my progress with the 4 agreements. I've spent much time reflecting on the walls I have built around me and the walls others have built around themselves. While initially, I thought the walls were destructive, some have proven to be a foundation for a greater relationship. I've tested opening up windows in some walls, but, by the reaction of my other I believe it would become too much of a burden for them to bear as well.

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Sometimes that is the case when opening windows, but sometimes, a little patience is needed for the adjustment. Especially if opening those windows is beneficial to your own peace of mind. So glad you've been reading this book and using its guidance for your own life!!! It makes me so happy to hear that from you, my little manpeach :D

    2. Manpeach


      I can't tell you enough how reading your response soothes me. My peace of mind does have to take a back seat for awhile, to see the longer term reaction to the window I've opened. Thank you for your guidance Mistress Zhao.

  3. Hi Mistress Zhao, I had the Vieras con Calabaza at a familiar restaurant the other night. It was delicious, the only thing was I ate it alone. Missed you.

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      ALL ALONE! My poor fuzzy little manpeach!

  4. Hi Mistress Zhao, since you quoted Don Miguel Ruiz in a poast awahile back I've been reading The Four Agreements. actually it's a companion workbook. Many of the view and beliefs I've already followed or been aware of. I've found it interesting when I compare the way I've build my personal life vs my professional one. I'm looking forward to our session and dinner next week. Have you selected a restaurant yet?

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao


      I'm so glad you're reading The Four Agreements!! It's a wonderful (albeit challenging) way to look at life, yes?

      As for restaurants..I haven't decided yet, but am considering a place called Rayuela on Allen St, just a few blocks from us. It'll most likely be a nice evening to walk :)

      Here's the place: http://www.rayuelanyc.com/

    2. Manpeach


      Yes mistress, the Four A's are an interesting perspective. The rebuilding and letting go are the tough parts.

      Rayuela looks very nice. And I'd love to stroll along with you. Promise me you'll wear comfortable shoes


      Still not able to changes display name, but I don't think you've read my updated "about me"

  5. Hey BTB, can you help me out on how you change my username?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Manpeach


      BTB. I set up another account and there is "Display name". Easy as pie.

      But of course the new account doesn't have Devotee access. At least I know it's something wrong with my program Thanks for your help.

    3. Big Trouble Baby

      Big Trouble Baby

      No problem. Why not call Mistress Kang and just ask her to give you Devotee access on your new account also. You are a client and I'm sure there would be no problem.

    4. Manpeach


      I guess that's what I'll have to. I was reluctant to start all over but maybe they can transfer the account as you meantioned earlier. Either way it will have to be worked out with help from their end.

  6. Hello Mistress Zhao, I glad you like my new avatar. I was hoping to change my username as well, but I couldn't find the tab for that.

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      You'll figure it out. Or you can ask the former woffyboy/Big Trouble Baby :)

  7. Mistress Sunya, I'm sad you didn't comment on my session review. Perhaps you missed it under the Help Me Mistress Zhao thread?

    1. Mistress Faye Sunya

      Mistress Faye Sunya

      Hi Bradley, I just figured out how to access my comments on my profile! I didn't see it but am checking now. :)

    2. Manpeach
  8. Hi Mistress Zhao, I just stumbled on this feature of the Forum. I wanted you to know that I immediately recognized myself as the "client" in your post on the Submissive Nature" thread. I do appreciate your thoughts and insights and hope you will continue to post more. I am comfortable with you using my name, if you feel it is appropriate. Thank you so much for thinking of me!

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