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Everything posted by pat8685

  1. I definitely felt the love, Mistress Koi lol. And I also felt very lucky too. Hoping to session with you again .
  2. Hi PL, It wasn't a face slapping session per se, but during Mistress Koi's previous tenure at the Fortress I had a session with her where she delivered a series of harsh slaps to my face which took me by surprise. She was great at corporal and just overall as well. I had 2 sessions with her back then and would love to session with her again someday. I'm sure all the Mistresses would provide you with a great experience and Emma is very helpful with booking. Best wishes to you, and be careful what you wish for lol Pat
  3. This is such great news! Welcome back Mistress Koi! Circumstances are preventing me from making a return to the Fortress, but I'm optimistic it will happen and looking forward to sessioning with you again.
  4. I've had many champagne rooms at strip clubs where I was spanked and dominated. I always worked it out before we did the room so I could gauge her level of interest and experience. Every now and then I would come across someone who worked as a dominatrix prior to dancing. A lot of hot sessions in those rooms. One of my favorites was with twin sisters, one of them dominated me and her sister. The things that went on that night! Sadly at this point all I have are memories. I'd still love to return to the Fortress and hope it will happen someday
  5. The Fortress is the creme de la creme of dungeons. The skill set of the Mistresses is at a much higher level than anywhere else. As others have mentioned, you won't find the professionalism that is a constant at the Fortress at another dungeon. And all the Mistresses are extremely gorgeous!
  6. I always host a Christmas eve dinner for my Mom, siblings and their families. Unfortunately I had to cancel it this year due to Covid so it was a much different Christmas for me. We did do a zoom call which was nice, but not the same. Shoveled snow and watched football .
  7. I know some people use cottage cheese in place of ricotta; being Italian however, there is no realistic alternative to ricotta. It just wouldn't be lasagna without it!
  8. Welcome back Mistress Jin! Can't wait to see you. Btw, I love nefarious acts!
  9. I also got the butt. Must be my lucky day, as that puts me in the company of MVD and Mistress Zito! Now I'm not going to be able to sleep at all, just thinking about showering their beautiful booties with kisses. And wondering what kind of evil things they would do to my butt!
  10. Jayman, Wise Guy was a great book and Goodfellas was an even better movie. I worked with a guy who knew Henry Hill . Some good stories. Hope the year turns around for you!
  11. Mistress Fang, We would get along just fine. Italian is my specialty and you would love my spaghetti and tomato sauce. I could either make the noodles homemade or use a nice imported pasta. I make a perfectly smooth tomato sauce with no chunks of anything, but plenty of flavor. I got this recipe from my Italian grandmother who made me swear to never divulge the recipe. You would have to beat it out of me.
  12. I was crushed when I found this out last night as I was trying to book a session with her. Now I know how Charlie Brown feels when Lucy pulls the football away.
  13. Omg! A dream come true! If everything works out with my procedure next week I'll be able to book a trip!
  14. In accordance with my Italian heritage, I would make my homemade manicotti with meat sauce. Yes, I make the crepes myself, no store-bought shells or my Nonna would beat my ass. Probably worse than the Mistresses would. And since this is a special meal, I would also make some marinated and grilled lamb chops, maybe throw in some braciole for Mistress Zito! With 25 years of restaurant experience and an intense passion for cooking, I would love to prepare a feast for the Fortress ladies.
  15. I agree with you Mistress Zito. I would like to think I would be loyal to Mistress A. In all reality, under heavy pressure I would probably fold and not only divulge the information but also blurt out "i'm a monkey's uncle and the money is in the backyard!"
  16. Have a safe trip and enjoy your experience. Hope you are back at the Fortress soon!
  17. Sissyboy, The Fortress consistently provides an incredible experience no matter what you are into. Your choice of Mistress Zito is excellent; she is beautiful and skilled. Also, you will be able to shower after your session so don't limit your enjoyment of any aspect. Have a great time and please post a review afterwards if you are so inclined. Pat
  18. Adam, Glad to hear all went well with the surgery. Although the rehab may be rough, we are all rooting for you to make a complete recovery. Having a highly skilled surgeon makes a huge difference. You will be back at the Fortress in due time. I had many doubts that I could session again, but the Fortress ladies are so skilled that they can work around any limitations and still make it an incredible time. When you do make it back, communicate well with them and let us know how it went. Best wishes, Pat
  19. pat8685

    Enjoying the Breeze!

    Absolutely beautiful picture in every way!
  20. So glad to hear of your return to the Fortress . Wishing you many more visits with those lovely ladies. They do have healing powers!
  21. Lonewolf, Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery. I have all the confidence in the world you will be back on your feet and sessioning again. I went through a lengthy recovery myself and have sessioned twice since then. As you well know, the Fortress ladies are incredibly skilled with their craft and can work with any limitations while still providing a top-notch session. Just don't try to do too much at first. Wishing you the best, Pat
  22. Mistress Zito, I've seen him in concert about 20 times. Love the music from that era; late 70s - early 80s. I don't really know a whole lot of music after that time frame. I must confess I probably wouldn't know anything you like.
  23. I also come in from out of town, I usually stay a few days in the city. My routine changes due to Mistress availability, when my flight lands and if I am going to a game or concert. My upcoming visit has me landing at 2:00 pm , and going to see Billy Joel in the evening. Not sure if I want to cram in a session before the show; I did that once and it was a great night. My ultimate session day would be a session at the Fortress, dinner on Mulberry street, and Billy Joel at night. Don't know if the timing would work out this trip for all of that; may have to contact booking to see if they offer a variation on dinner and domination. Domination and a concert? Dinner before or after? How's that sound to you Mistress Zito?
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