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Mistress Rey

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Everything posted by Mistress Rey

  1. "Need to be able to walk." Im certain disablement is not a form of BDSM play? Haha
  2. I love the sound of Japanese. Its very breathy and low toned.
  3. I recently had a session I found particularly erotic. I was a mystery domme. The submissive wore a mask, he didn't know which mistress he was with. The whole session was conducted in silence to conceal my identity. Then it occurred to me at that moment, that it was a powerful form of sensory deprivation. Every gesture and sensation became heightened and focused on with an intensity that isn't present when constantly engaged in conversation. It gave the session a trance like, meditative atmosphere. I thought it was interesting as I noticed some submissives tend to be nervous so they frantically attempt to avoid awkward moments with constant chatter and humor- which I love, but and it can pull their focus away from truly experiencing a session. Interacting with our eyes and body language can quiet the anxiety and bring them into the present. Have any of you experienced a silent session?
  4. A fine job of making you my dedicated slut?
  5. Is there no limit to the beating you could take?
  6. Sounds like he's having trouble saying vagina.
  7. https://video.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xaf1/v/t42.1790-2/10925706_10153501181421564_774095271_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjUwMiwicmxhIjo1MTJ9&rl=502&vabr=279&oh=d2886e6902c854ecb203d6b5d2b3b71d&oe=55DC964B Enjoy
  8. "who let all these people in here!" I can only imagine what was happening during that play...
  9. This is why I love cats! And own one who treats dogs exactly as you describe.
  10. I've witnessed the Kang Bang. It's something you have to experience... if you can handle the intensity!
  11. From the album: Mistress Rey: Candids

    The beauty of the Hollywood hills....
  12. Mistress Rey

    K MART tea party!

    You all make me laugh!
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