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Everything posted by akiravn1

  1. Gotta admit, I really enjoyed this video.
  2. Welcome back Mistress! Just knowing that You are back in Your own universe of perversity and sadism brings a smile to my face.
  3. For some strange reason, You quoting Dr Suess has made me smile.
  4. ...and I really love how You take things of a whole new level and bring them to yet a completely other level. I will always be fascinated by Your vivid imagination.
  5. It sure does! Of all the Individuals to send a text of that nature to.
  6. She Blinded Me With Science...and little did I know, so much more. I have been struck with fear just reading the posts along with watching the video.
  7. These inappropriate times to take a pic seem like a special treat for whatever particular bird or worm happen to be taking pictures at the time. Although something tells me that You will make them regret such inappropriate behavior.
  8. A Circus of Trouble sounds quite entertaining....especially with such an astounding Ring Master. I believe You would bring a whole new meaning to the tight rope.
  9. I am actually loving the Mistresses take on this topic and fascinated by Their perception, even with individuals that would have never come to mind in regard to this particular subject matter.
  10. Thought that Your previous post was some form of torture. LOVE the feet!
  11. As You have wondered or imagined about the likes of Meryl Streep or Mila Kunis, I am sure with beautiful ladies like Yourself and the other Fortress Players, it would cause many a man or even woman who happens to see any one of You to have a fantasy of some sort, possibly even one BDSM related, but unless You did something to tip Your hand, I am really not sure if they would be able to guess Your profession with any kind of certainty.
  12. With that in mind, it sure would prove helpful to take inventory.
  13. I sure hope so beautiful Mistress!
  14. NICE! Always love feet pictures.
  15. I would have to say, like You, I find myself partial to the nine-tail as well. I do enjoy hearing about the exhilaration brought on by Your explorations, as You clearly appear to be in Your element.
  16. Just more proof that people watching provides some of the best free entertainment available. I once saw a grown man in a childs carriage outside of a liquor store in Downtown Newark. Another grown man walked out of the store with bottle in hand, then handed the bottle of liquor to the man in the carriage and proceeded to push the carriage down the block. I witnessed this while waiting for a bus. The only interpretation I had made at the time, was a couple of alcoholics out having some fun.
  17. I definitely find a woman who needs an "everything naughty" buddy to be extremely appealing.
  18. You can never pass up an opportunity of that nature.
  19. Being Your "porn" buddy or "everything naughty" buddy has a really nice ring to it.
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