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Posts posted by deanroberts

  1. I'm surprised so many people didn't like it. Personally, I find suspense and the paranormal much scarier than an ax wielding murderer... :lol:


    They are different experiences, and both have merit -- one is like making love. The other is like a quick fuck with a stranger.


    Unfortunately, I felt Paranormal Activity was more like bad sex -- not much happens, and you know the ending before it even started.

  2. How did I forget Videodrome, with Debbie Harry? It is one of my favorite David Cronenberg films, of whom I am a big fan. And of course his movie Crash, based on the book by J.G. Ballard. A lot of his older work dealt with the body, pain, and technology. Also forgot to mention Blue Velvet.


    Also, just popped into my head, the many Nunsploitation and Women-in-Prison (WIP) movies, from the 70s/80s.


    A few:


    • Sins of Sister Lucia (Japan)
      School of the Holy Beast (Japan)
      Bamboo House of Dolls (China)
      Female Prisoner: Caged (Japan)
      Marquis De Sade's Prosperities of Vice (Japan)
      Chinese Torture Chamber Story (Hong Kong)


    These aren't so much BDSM/Fetish films, but more so trash/sleaze/grindhouse flicks that have those elements. Of course, thee are many WIP films from the U.S. and Europe, as well.


    Most of these can be found on HKFlix.com, Amazon.com, and even Netflix.com

  3. There aren't many sadomasochist characters in movies and film, are there? I can only think of two off the top of my head. One is a character who briefly appeared on HBO's Six Feet Under. He dated the main woman, I forget her name. Brenda? She was turned off when he told her he was into BDSM.


    The other was an online critic in the HBO show Entourage. He was going to write a negative review of Vincent Chase, and to stop him, the entourage sent a few porn stars with strap-ons to stop him from running it.


    Neither one of them were particularly flattering depictions of submissives. Can anyone remember others?


    There are plenty of films and television that depict BDSM and fetish...


    "Sex and the City" had a politician into watersports.


    SHOTIME has "Secret Diary of a Call Girl" also with watersports and other fetishes; they also have an Australian series about a brothel called "Satisfaction" featuring a house mistress who has clients into infantilism, latex, and others. The "L WORD" flirted with kink and watersports. "Californication" has some borderline stuff.


    NIP/TUCK on F/X has had its share of "interesting" characters and their kinks.


    In film you have plenty of Art House films:


    Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!

    Tokyo Decadence

    The Notorious Bettie Page



    The Night Porter



    8mm (though, this paints a more unrealistic dark side with snuff films and such)

    Bitter Moon

    The Story of O

    The Image

    practically any movie by Catherine Breillat.


    Also, there are a lot of hard "R" foreign films since the 70s that deal with the subject. Japan especially has a lot, and many have recently made it to DVD in the states. Some of these movies are legit films, while other sorta borderline on Soft Porn.


    That's just to name a few without doing a search, or thinking too hard.

  4. I thought The Ring was scary, and The Skeleton Key was OK.


    The ring? or ringu?


    The Ring (2002) was good. Probably the best J-Horror remake.


    Ringu was creepy too but not quite as effective here as it was in Japan. It came out there in 1988. Few people saw it in the theater. Most people that saw it did on VHS -- people passed around copies of the movie! Now that is creepy. I know someone who saw it that way. She was home, alone at night, living in Tokyo. Said it scared the shit out of her.

  5. I guess we have totally different psychological aesthetics. I think that going into Paranormal Activity, I knew just about everything to expect, and that there was a lot of hype surrounding it, like having to request it at your local theater, etc. I admit that the suspense was thrilling for some, but maybe I was just spoiled by expectation..


    One film that did catch me off-guard was the first half of The Descent.


    I agree about Paranormal. I wasn't scared in the least by it. Not enough happened. It felt like an hour of noises with little payoff. Plus, well lots of other stuff I won't go into to avoid spoilers.


    Also agree about The Descent. The claustrophobia of the first half was incredible. Otherwise, the creatures were a little too Lord of the Rings.

  6. deanroberts:

    OMG I agree Oldboy is possibly one of my fav korean movies of all time. Have you seen sympathy for mr. vengeance and sympathy for lady vengeance? Both amazing, though not as good as Oldboy. OOOH and 3 extremes!! Though it has nothing really to do with the other 3 movies. We just happened to be talking about it at the office today which is why I bring it up.


    OLDBOY is definitely in my top 5 movies of all time, regardless of country it was made in. Seen it about 15 times. Twice in the theater. I own 4 versions of it on DVD. Yes, I've seen and own the two other Vengeance films. Lady Vengeance in the theater.


    Incidentally, I read the script for the 2005 American remake than thankfully never happened. Get this -- they changed the gyoza to taquitos! Makes my brain hurt.


    Have you seen Chanwook's newest movie yet? THIRST. Bloody vampire lust. It is beautiful, emotional, and funny. Comes on DVD in November, if you missed it, SEE IT!


    Three Extremes. Own it. Definitely a mixed-bag of good/okay. The full length Dumplings, with the insane and wonderful Bai Ling, is pretty good.


    Other good ones: Memories of Murder, R-Point. The Host, was disappointing.


    You NEED to see 'Hausu". It is hard to find. I have a rip of a German DVD. It has English subs. If y'all have P.O. Box, I can send a copy. It is sheer pre-EVIL DEAD madness from 1977. Check out the trailer:


    I could go on for pages. I own over 1,000 DVDs in all genres... Big time film geek. ;)

  7. Some good recommendations on here. I'll add:



    Bird with the Crystal Plumage

    The Haunting ('63)

    The Wicker Man ('73)

    Andy Warhol's Dracula (hilariously daft)

    Angel Heart (absurd, but incredibly moody)

    OLDBOY (not a horror so much, but one of the best movies in the past 15 years)

    Dead Ringers

    The Fly ('86)


    Hausu (aka HOUSE; Japanese movies from 1977; mind-blowing insanity)

  8. I have not been to FF yet. But, of the many options in NYC, it will be the one when I am ready. (I am a victim of the recession -- I went from making a lot of money, to unemployed now for a year. No violins, please.)


    So, why FF?


    You are great marketers (incidentally, my profession). Your Website is professional, and the updates are ongoing. Which signals that you ladies are very involved, serious and enjoy what you do. The abundance of pictures, which no other dungeon has on their site, doesn't just titillate and encourage lust but also demonstrates sincerity and commitment.


    Ah, and then there are the candids. Something no other site has. This is where as Doms, you expose yourselves in a magnificent way. Let's admit, the Mistress/Slave relationship is a peculiar one. It is all an act. And like most relationships in life, we play roles, except to a few very close, trusted people. The candids give us a glimpse of reality. It also throws our expectations, and heightens the fantasy. How could such lovely, young women we see shopping, eating ice cream, drinking coffee, goofing off in Chinatown, possibly share the warped fantasies we do? They show your complexity and spirit, rather than the typical images of The Cruel, Demanding Mistress. The women of the FF are more desirable by exposing their warmth, and the impossibility of someone who seems like a girl you'd sit next to and lust after in a college English class, being someone who may piss and spit on you, kick you where it counts, whip, trample, and so on.


    From there, yeah, it is all the obvious. Personal attraction and mutual interests.


    Some day, we will meet.

  9. Mistress Ahn,


    Since you LOOOVE Sasha Grey, check out the trailer on this website, it appears she shows promise as a Dom


    Also Steven Soderbergh's film The Girlfriend Experience, which stars Sasha Grey is being released on DVD, September 29th.


    I didn't realize you were such a fan.


    I'm a Sasha fan, but have to admit, GFE is a boring movie. And no, it isn't the lack of nudity or sex. It's just not a great movie. Regardless, her fans should still see it.


    OH MY GOD!


    Like id like to sire her children if by smoe miracle of science that were possible. lol


    I thank you sir, for posting anything Sasha Grey related on our forum.


    Since on the topic, thought I would share my favorite Sasha fetish pics... she goes in a cup, drinks some, and then spits it out onto the audience at a show in Barcelona. How hot is that?



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