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Jung's Jewboy

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Everything posted by Jung's Jewboy

  1. You find the BEST stuff Mistress.
  2. the scenario 'turns' when you notice a pronounced swelling in the crotch of his pants. With a look of sadness, betrayal and anger you point at it and say 'OMG, you aren't an artist at all are you? You're just another perv with a camera aren't you? Hands on your hips you very coldly and firmly say "You better stay here Mister. I'll be right back and you will be held accountable". You leave the Pink Room and when he panics and tries to leave he finds that you have locked the door. He's so fucked.' With every minute he gets more upset and scared until the door burst open and accompanying Mistress Zhao is Officers Jung and Tran of the NYPD (New York's Pervert Deterrents) . As Officer Jung cuffs the fella, Officer Tran says "Mr. Client you are being arrested for the visual assault of Ms. Zhao. Anything we say you said will be held against you in a female supremacist oriented court. You have a right to representation and we will need to meet and approve your counsel, who must be female and an ardent feminist......"
  3. My hopes were lifted...for a moment....when I thought, at last a woman for whom the size that matters is either very large or very small. My hopes were dashed when I realized the fascination with the miniscule applied to technology not tumescence
  4. I have to say, this has me intrigued as well. Perhaps I need to explore a more physically rigorous session. I get the sense that my mistress is very strong and could definitely have me leave the session a bit worse for wear. Key for me is that she enjoy the session so I'll need to find out what she'd like to throw in the mix.
  5. There are any number of celebrities I could imagine as dommes. I have to say, NEVER thought of Streep in that way. Mila Kunis for sure, she has a dommish look. Helen Mirren, for sure (Teaching Mrs. Tingle) and Kate Winslet of course. Also, the gal on Big Bang Theory - though I typically favor brunettes....
  6. Mistress Jung, Since you posted in this thread I thought I'd take the opportunity to reaffirm my devotion to your feet, particularly on the hottest and muggiest days in New York City. Perhaps at the end of a long day of walking or biking around.
  7. They look...tasty. So, do you have a FPF? Foot Photo Fetish?
  8. My apologies, I forget my place sometimes. If it's any consolation, Mistress Jung will definitely take me to task for my mistake.
  9. Whoa, when it gets to The New Yorker you KNOW it's REALLY mainstream.
  10. Great story, impressive young woman. Can't say I cared for the advice of the authorities. It implied that she did not handle it the right way. Unbelievable. I am willing to donate my time as long as this talk is given at Catholic Girls High Schools and Colleges.
  11. Are you a Kubrick fan? Hmmm, so will you be playing Ludwig Van on the iPod at our next session? Great costume, my guess #2 would have been Cabaret.
  12. Suburban Guy, Enjoyed your posting. The Fortress is indeed a special place and I suppose I needn't tell you I commend your choice of Mistresses. Of course, truth be told, based on what I have learned about the other FF ladies via their postings and brief interactions, there is simply no way to make a bad choice there!
  13. Very disappointing. No good deed goes unpunished, Indeed. Love the analytics. Your MBA is showing!!
  14. I love that series of e-cards very twisted.
  15. no ticket. I'm going as 'The Invisible Jewish Man" So is the Fortress open this weekend?
  16. quite a few years ago I hooked up with a dominant older woman. We had connected on-line. She was quite a character and had a very particular interest. She was an avid runner (fittest 60 yr old woman I've ever met) and my role/service was very specific. Post run she liked having her sneaks and socks and feet sniffed and licked. I didn't have a particularly strong foot fetish beforehand. Interestingly, I think part of the thrill of our 'relationship' (we really had none outside of this service) for both of us was the impact this service would have on me long term. She had remarked once about how she loved the fact that she was hard-wiring a fetish that I would be stuck with and have to feed long after we parted ways. Another interesting thing about our 'arrangement'. She never referred to me by name. I called her 'Miss Janet'. Miss Janet, if you are reading this, know that you were right. I'll always need to feed that strange hunger you created in me.
  17. No I didn't But I know the character you are referring to and she has a very domme-ish presence. I know the L&O scene referredtoand it wasn't in the interrogation room
  18. Mistress Tran, stop playing with your food!!
  19. I think its that shy late bloomer part of you that makes the woman you've become so much more appealing. Wish I knew someone like you in high school. Though explaining your presence in an all boys school would be a challenge
  20. Kind of a bizarre 'revenge gift of the magi', huh? What is the most vindictive thing you've done in revenge. Though you don't strike me as a vengeful sort, Mistress.
  21. awwwwwww, feel better. It sucks to be sick away from home
  22. Ms. Kang, I enjoyed your reply above. Damn, I'm proud to be a fortress client. You are a great and insightful businessperson. I checked out the 'work' page, BTW, and love the 'social realist' propaganda poster you used there!
  23. I must admit, there's something about a woman who makes alot of demands and has a real sense of entitlement.
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