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Everything posted by Outcast

  1. Eine meane minee ,a mouse ran up my heine, Took a smell, Ran like hell, Eine meanie minee Another school yard favorite: You do it on the floor with your parents at the door, Diarrhea cha cha cha
  2. Went downtown to get a stick of butter, saw James Brown shitting in the gutter, Took a piece of glass, shoved it up his ass, Never saw a motherfucker run so fast.
  3. No Mistress Kang, I didn't know that. I'm fascinated by the subculture but not fascinated enough to want to go see for myself. I have known some institutionalized individuals and from what I see its not the place I want to be.
  4. That's a hard one JJ because there are so many out there and they aren't memorable. Caddyshack 2 comes to mind. I loved the first one so much and I like the cast but when I went to see it it was so awful I felt like I was ass raped with a cactus. What a horrible piece of shit!!! There a lot of bad movies I love for.their badness . Leprechaun part 2 Back to the Hood comes to mind. About an evil little leprechaun killing a bunch of gangbangers in South Central LA. And for.the 3rd, let's go with Breaking 2,The Electric Bogaloo.
  5. Mistress Kang , its from "Monty Python's The Meaning of Life" which is a very funny movie if you enjoy their comedy. Tjeres an interesting sex ed scene and a " Roman" shower type scene that are pretty funny.
  6. A child molester in the joint from "Short Eyes" [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nHEuJnrJ7o[/media]
  7. haha That was Jack Nicholson. When they're rapping to the Southern girls he starts singing "The man is at the window, the man is at the window "
  8. My fav part is when Sean Penn's little cellmate went berserk in the cafeteria. I like this genre of movies. "American Me", "Short Eyes" and for the lighter side "Stir Crazy" come to mind.
  9. hahaha love Dennis Hopper!! What about "Easy Rider". Hey man this is Captain America and I'm Billy.,We play parades all over and for top dollar too!!
  10. Hey John, I really want you to be wrong too. If not, I did enough gambling, carousing, and fucking around to put myself in the hole for a few eternities!!!
  11. I never would want to change someone's beliefs on religious/ spiritual manners. Looking at history ,though, it seems man has a way of interpreting or even manipulating things to suit they're own agenda. Religion has done a lot of good through history and they're are many decent religious people in the world. Their faith helps them and comforts them and who am I to tell them they are wrong. On theother hand, religion has caused a lot of violence and conflict in history and to this very day. The people in control use religion , wether they know it or not to control people's pocketbooks and minds. Ot comes down to power. Read 1984 when O'Brian explains to Winston Smith the ultimate goals of the "party" .Power for powers sake. Today, my version of a God or Higher Power differs greatly then when I was young. God to me is something that is so great its beyond human comprehension. It's not a bearded man on a cloud ready to smite me down because I jerked off into a sock when I was 12. That God is a creation of man that came about in Mesopotamia when monotheism started and probably resembled the rulers there at the time. Today I don't understand God and that's ok. I know that I don't know. What I do know is that in my daily affairs I try to use the golden rule. Treat others as I would like to be treated. Try to avoid trouble and show kindness as much as possible. I'm not a passivist but avoid fights as much as possible. Most fights in life ,win or lose I have nothing but regrets but anytime I was able to really help someonei have nothing but joy. So if you read this far thank you for listening to the wild ramblings of someone who is obviously insane
  12. You have great influences John. I love rock n roll.
  13. Was thinking of you Mistress Jung. Havent seen you on here since the storm. I hope you and your friends and family are ok.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Haha, I knew it! With no power, I was pretty bored as well and enjoyed a little fantasizing myself...

    3. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Well you are right about that, but it's always fun coming up with new ones :) Do you watch Sons of Anarchy? I just started, it's pretty good. In one episode, they played "Forever Young" and I thought of you :)

    4. Outcast


      Mistress Jung, I feel honored that you thought of me :) I love that song,a really cool wish. I'll have to look for "Anarchy". Your the second person to tell me about that show.

  14. more of the Dr. [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=513pdv7UwMc[/media]
  15. great blues jam [media=] [/media]
  16. Since this thread has become so philosophical ------[media=] [/media]
  17. Hi John, I did watch it. Great clip!! I think small type venues like that are where the stones really shine.
  18. That would be the meaning of life giving you lemons and making "lemonade"
  19. I don't think there is reason to apologize. I like hearing different opinions and its interesting subject matter. I just stated how ifeel about that subject today.
  20. Death, neither sought after or feared. Everyone goes there someday. Make the most out of the moment and don't sweat it.
  21. Rod Serling was a great writer and storyteller consdiering he wrote most of the TW episodes. I love his introductions at the beginings of each show. Dan Ackroyd use to parody him on Saturday Night Live.It was pretty funny.
  22. I know a few for sure Mistress Jung. You also have a few naughty tricks up your sleeve yourself
  23. Thank you John, I enjoy your posts as well. A fellow foot freak
  24. Those are some excellent music choices Mistress Kang. I love all of those but the root of my love is classic rock. I love The Beatles and have fond memories of hearing thier records as a kid. Your 20s/30s/40s Swing/ Blues / Bluegrass could be heard in alot of "The Band's" music. If you listen to the song "Orphelia" it has that cool ragtime sound. And if you like the blues, Derek and the Domino's " Laya and Other Assorted Love Songs " is my fav. Eric Clapton with these great soulful guitar solos and great jams. And there is Motown which needs its own chapter. I love alot of music.
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