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Everything posted by Outcast

  1. They're practicing chi gung horse stance!
  2. Yes Mistress Kang, back around 15-20 years ago you would see crackheads or crackerteers as I use to call them all over the place. What a horrible drug, people walking like babies roaming the streets looking on the ground for maybe a piece of rock to smoke. Constantly shaking and fiending for a hit. In movies Ide say the most accurate depiction of a crack head was Samuel L Jackson in "Jungle Fever" . He hit the nail on the head. Also, with regards to homeless people , my friend calls them "urban frontiersmen" which I thought has a nice ring.
  3. Mistress Jung, thank you so much for last night. Getting worked over by yourself and Mistress Tran was so much fun . Ill alwayd remember it!! :)

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      It was great seeing you sod :-) I always have a blast working you over!

    2. Outcast


      Can't wait to do it again :-)

  4. Mistress Tran, thank you do much for such a GREAT time yesterday . I had so much fun!! Loved playing cops snd robbrts with you and Mistress Jung :)

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      I did too! I always enjoy putting a filthy copper in his place!

    2. Outcast


      You certainly put me in mine :-). It was great seeing you again!!

  5. I see reminders of BDSM all the time on the media. Recently I was listening to the Allman Brother's classic "Whipping Post". The song isn't really about s/m bit the title and the chorus give me no choice but to think of it. Also was watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail with the scene with Sir Galahad the "chaste" who finally broke down and was going to spank all the virgins and then "the oral sex" before he was rescued by his comrades
  6. This is very cool. I made a life out of watching the mentally ill in amazement. I just stare. I know I'm alittle nuts myself so I'm a stones throw so I try not to judge. On the subway I see alot of crazy shit. Once on a crowded train I'm standing there next to heavyset ladies. In comes a young Hispanic guy ,little thin guy with a skinny moustache about 20 or so. Well he accidently bumps one of the heavyladies causing a dirty look and the teeth suck. He gets pissed and starts a loud rhetorical conversation with himsrlf on this crowded train, "Damn, women in New York are ugly!"In a strong accent "Damn you ugly!" The ladies are super pissed "Motherfucker,i know you ain't talkin to me!" Then he takes his index fingers and makes a cross like he's warding off dracula" Please don't look at me your fucking ugly!!" Then as it was getting good I was at my spot and missed how it turned out. I suspect that young man was about to get tuned up by these two monsters . It was funny. Oh well, guess you had to be there.
  7. Mistress Jung, just saw the movie "Ted" and thought it was really funny. Thought you might like it.Hope your stsying cool having a great ,relaxing weekend :)

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      :D Seeing "Ted" is at the top of my To Do list! I can't wait! We can compare notes when I see you ;-)
    2. Outcast


      That would be cool. Can't wait !!!

  8. Congratulations Mistress Lahiri . I hope you enjoy all the new discoveries and fun ahead Your new pics on the page are GREAT !!!
  9. The old "stink" eye. I catch that one even when I'm not staring!
  10. Yes, Mistress Chen, you certainly left me a slobbering, drooling disaster of a man and I had GREAT time being turned into that condition So much fun !!
  11. John082 and Kitchen ,thank you so much for posting because it seems a lot of our life experiences are similar and its nice knowing your not completely alone in the universe. For me, getting older also means caring less about what others think and getting closer to your nature. I love the popular culture references too, esp of the MTV which was my early teen rub a quick one out material(esp if Martha Quinn was on!!) And the Richard Pryor flick where he plays the old man. He has to be the funniest man of the 20th century. I also was lucky to date a few open minded "Lolas" who were adventurous and loved to explore fun things in the bedroom. Really cool posts that hit the nail on the head.
  12. That scenario sounds so familiar lol. Esp the drooling, slovbbering mess
  13. I don't think I would rate high on the sadist scale because I don't really get sexual pleasure from other's pain. I'm not much of a masochist either. My threshhold for pain is low and its something I just endure for the sake of fun. I enjoy more so being submissive. On the s/m scale my score might be low but on the kinky freak scale I'm probably off the charts
  14. Yes don't want the cold shoulder at Dahmer's. It's really tough. I want to have some specials named after famous cannibals, like the Idi Amin liver and kidney pie special.
  15. I thinking of opening a theme style restaurant to accommodate the new trend, I'm calling it "Dahmer's".
  16. I don't think this would work for me. When I was 9 or 10 I dressed as a girl for Halloween and it was cute. Today Ide be a very scary looking woman with hairy shoulders and tattoos ( not nice ones like to Fortress women sport, but cheap drunken mistakes you do in your teens). Not a good idea
  17. Mistress Jung , seeing your smiling face was a pleasant suprise and made my day :)

    1. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      Here it is again :D Nice to see you too sod!

    2. Outcast
  18. Mistress Chen, i had a GREAT time!! You are so much more beautiful and fun then i could have realized! I really had a fun time. Still smilling and thinking of my memory :)

    1. Mistress Chen

      Mistress Chen

      Awww! You really are a sweetheart! It was such a pleasure. I had a great time as well. :D

  19. All of your pics are great. I love your smile :) I also love your serious lustfull look . Your body is perfect !!

  20. Bunny ears and cheetos huh? Lol I think.I missed that video. On a long drive my friend took off his shoes while I was driving and I had him immediately put them back on because his feet smelled like corn chips. So I haven't developed the Cheeto fetish yet:) I believe the internet showed me a lot of things that broadened me sexually. When I saw golden for the first time I really couldn't.believe people do that. I thought, " How nasty, how degrading , how fucking HOT!!" I was so turned on. And in my relationships since then, about 15 years ago , I would put feelers out to see if my partner was game. It's a very.sensitive,personal thing to bring up. But suprisingly enough my first experience with golden was as a giver. She was more submissive and liked it somewhat rough , and she wanted to try it. I found it really hard to do the first time . My heart was pounding and I could see she was nervous too. It was fun ,not just because of that ,she wad really cool and unfortunately had to go back to England where she was from. Another g/f was almost going to give me golden one time but she got shy and chickened out. I wasn't sure how she was going to react when I talked about it with her. She was a divorcee in her 40s and she told her ex husbands were kind of duds sexually and I think she enjoyed the fact I was kind of adventurous and "different". I don't think she judged me, she was really cool and whenever I would explain to her to please tell me if anything I do (foot kissing, rimming,spanking) is not cool to let me know. She would always smile and say" No, I really enjoy everything you do." Point being she wad kind of prudish when I met her and grew into a perv just like me Another thing about fetishism that gives it a bad name. I love feet, but that's not to say that I don't realize there is an owner to the feet. Like feet sticking out of a wall don't appeal to me. I love feet because I love women. Thier bodies are so beautiful and that part of it is no different. Plus the want to be submissive .Like in an earlier post Mistress Chen said Freud talked about foot fetishists being submissive. Kneeling in front of a woman and kissing her feet is basically saying I want to serve you and make you happy. I wrote a lot,because I got caught up in fond memories of days gone by and by writing about them you can relive them. The good thing is at the Fortress I'm getting more fond memories for future days gone by. If you read it thanks for listening and to the editor in chief, if I wrote anything painfully stupid here please edit or throw out the whole reply . I'll definetly understand. Thanks
  21. Mistress Kang, this is a very cool and thought provoking post. Personally, I have always found some activities that could be labeled "fetish" enjoyable since I could remember. I've been lucky to have opened minded partners for the most part who didn't mind when I kissed their legs and feet. But starting this late in life (40s) I've discovered other things that I find really fun ,without getting too graphic, thanks to you ladies. I've also found things I know for sure aren't for me. Some things I'm not too crazy about but will endure for the sake of not being a party pooper and stuff I absolutely love Either way its cool to explore these things with understanding sane people.
  22. If it were raining pussy, I'de get hit with a dick!!----- Anonymous

  23. Mistress Chen, a sexy Sith Lord would be my choice for you. A stormtrooper has to wear that mask/helmet and that wouldn't be right to hide your pretty face!! I can see you as a Sith Lord using the force to stop your victims from breathing " I find your lack of faith disturbing." Lol
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