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Everything posted by Outcast

  1. I thought it was an good movie too Mistress Jung. I know some people from that neighborhood weren't happy because although it was based on true characters the movie is fiction and the author claims its a true story. It was a cool depiction though. Another movie that reminds me of Manhattan is " The Basketball Diaries".
  2. Off the BDSM track. Coolest revenge scene in a movie, Young Vito Corleone getting his family's killer in The Godfather Part 2. Second best scene for me is the bar scene in Sleepers where a child molester runs into his victims about 13 years later. Cool scenes!!
  3. :)
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    2. Outcast


      Mistress Jung, that is extremely sweet and cool of you!! I always have a great time with you and any kind of melancholy or sadness I get is my own internal demons and has nothing at all to do with you. Sometimes I write things in a certain mood and press post and the die is cast ;) and I can't take it back. Again, that is sweet for you to offer to listen. Thank you :)

    3. Mistress Mina Jung

      Mistress Mina Jung

      No need to apologize or explain :) Enjoy the great day!

    4. Outcast
  4. And I loved your face and laugh as I was doubled over in pain from getting hit " not in the gut", made it all worthwhile. I don't know what my face looked like rolling dice, but I imagine you saw the inner scheming gambler glint in my eye. The love of the thrill, with high stakes involved
  5. That sounds like fun ,but only for number 1,if you please
  6. I kind of like getting punched in the abdomen, Phyliss Diller on the left, Betty White on the right,or is it Joan Rivers?
  7. I'm sorry to be blabbing so much on this topic but I find it interesting. That barber pole story reminds me of Al Goldstein of Screw magazine who was going through s divorce and published his ex's home phone number in Screw and encouraged all his pervy readership to harass her with phone calls. He got locked up for harassment and tried to claim freedom of speech but the judge didn't see ot that way
  8. A cool song to help you through a break up Don Henley " Heart of the Matter". Beautiful song!! A bad song is Jimi Hendrix "Hey Joe" which I would like to rename " The ballad of OJ" or OJ's Song .
  9. I can only imagine those fools are kicking themselves in the ass for the opportunity lost to date such a Goddess as yourself. Best revenge is living well
  10. Yes Mistress Kang, I believe he was in one called " Frankenpenis" . When I was younger people use to say I had a slight resemblance. Ide say , " Oh, thanks."
  11. I'm sorry to hear that!!! Rest and plenty of fluids. Hope you are well soon!
  12. Mistress Jung, I hate to disappoint you as I just found out about your love of (use your imagination) when you donned boxing gloves and took to making my sensitive little (again, imagination) into a heavybag ,but I would opt for the teeth removal. I can always get implants, losing my dick might be alittle more complicated.
  13. I know you are right ,that's where I heard it last. I'll be able to quote a James Bond movie way before I can quote Confucius
  14. Favor is debasing, to find it is startling, to lose it is startling.

  15. I believe James Bond said that "For Your Eyes Only" And he should only dig two graves in case some eye witness should happen along....... Joking
  16. I read the same story and that was a pretty vindictive thing to do and what a psycho. Who knows what he did besides break up with her, but I don't know if it warranted that. It could have been worse, he could have been with Lorraina Bobbit . As far as revenge goes for me, I'm no passivist but I think seeking revenge can hurt me more then the intended victim. The negativity and hate hurt you more then you think and if you feed into it can literally make you sick. It's like taking poison and expecting the other person to die. That being said I'm human and if I'm wronged all that spiritual shit could go out the window and I'm going to be seeking my pound of flesh. Revenge role play could be interesting. An asshole boss getting his just do, or the armed robber looking to stick up the docile looking saleswomen in the jewelry store only to end up disarmed ,stripped ,humiliated and prey to their deviant desires
  17. Hey Johnny O ! Sorry for the one word answers . Wasn't up to writing and didn't want to ignore you. Yes blowing,nibbling whispering and even biting on the ear are things that make my legs buckle like I just got hit by a knockout punch. It's one of those things that drive me nuts. The pinching from the clamps she put on my ear were almost non existent I was so distracted.
  18. Last session I was lucky enough to get this treatment. Her blowing in my ear made me forget about the pain if the clothes pin pinching me ear. She also bit me which was GREAT. Such a sexy woman who made me melt !
  19. I don't know if me explaining it will be as funny as watching it ,but in the episode one of the kids at school keeps leaving the seat up pissing off his mom. She eventually gets stuck in the toilet and dies when they flush the toilet because all her insides get sucked out. So the.government then has TSA agents screening people before they use the bathroom. So some fat lady in a TSA uniform is like " Sir, bend over, I gotta check inside your asshole." Then they install cameras in everyone's bathroom and they're asking who's monitering these and they show some big middle aged perv ( some like someone you know ) watching the cameras while he's rubbing one out with a big bottle of Jergens lotion on the table. That scene had some great sound effects ,squish squish when he was jerking , and even in the limited animation of South Park, great facial expressions. You might get it on YouTube . It was hilarious!!
  20. Blowing in the ear is a highly erotic form of affection. I think if its done correctly ---BOINGGG lol. My guess is that she did it to contrast hardness with softness thereby confusing the shit out of you causing more mental hardship
  21. Did you see the recent South Park episode about that? Very very funny!
  22. Also, at the all you can eat buffet , " Honey, we only need one plate if you please. I'm on a tight budget."
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