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Everything posted by questionmarks

  1. Wow, so adorable! She could be your little pocket-sidekick. Pull her out now and again and sick her on an unsuspecting sub: pwing pwing, pwing pwing. Egyo would definitely work on me.
  2. This gets better and better and better! China all the time.
  3. This seems like excellent training for... wait, what?
  4. Damnit, I need to get my ass back in session with Mistress Kang as soon as I can.
  5. Have you ever noticed how a dog and a cat living under the same roof relate? So often the dog—goofy, excitable, ever-eager to please—is bossed around by the smaller but slyer cat. She will sometimes play with or tease him, but just as often ignore him, steal his bed, and give only the attention of disciplining him when he pushes his luck—or when she simply feels like it. Yet in some sly, sensual way she keeps him tethered to her. It's as if he wears a leash she could yank at any time, even though most of the time she lets it fall to the ground and dangle at his feet. With what seems like no effort at all, she teaches him that he is her subordinate, and so is committed to her, and that whether or not she seems to be paying attention, he better not forget, when he is before her, to lower his head.
  6. Ooh you were in Cali recently... no wonder there've been so many heat waves!
  7. I don't play many games these days, but some day The Witness will be released, and I will be a happy and distracted boy on that day.
  8. I hope to be under your paws in the not-too-distant future, Mistress Rey!
  9. Mistress Rey, this is a fun question Your suggestions are all pretty exciting! With my girlfriend I often act like a dog (usually an excited puppy, but sometimes a gentle old companion) or a cat (now needily rubbing up against her, now dispassionately turning away...). I think I'm pretty good at playing animals, actually! I think it could be amazing to be a mistress's puppy... to slobber on my mistress's feet, be patted on the head and told I'm a good boy, get trained... Dogs pay such close attention to their humans, they are always ready to be guided or directed by them, and they are devoted to the point of self-destruction. It is exciting to imagine being down on the floor at my mistress's feet, following her every glance and gesture, ready to do anything to stay in her grace and presence and be rewarded with her approval. Come to think of it, that's kind of how my sessions tend to start anyway As for animals my mistress could be... do vampires count? I guess that's more of a creature than an animal, but I saw this image the other day and had a wonderful fantasy of vampire Ariana making me beg her to kill me Otherwise... I could be a mouse to my mistress's cat—prey and plaything both!
  10. Have you all seen this Portlandia sketch? It's a misunderstanding, but a hilarious one: Cacao to cacao. If the safe word were indeed used to express discomfort or uncertainty it would not only be redundant, but, more importantly, paralyzing. I quite like being assigned a safe word, even though I prefer not to use it. I feel I am disappointing my Mistress if I utter it, and pulling away from her. It is good, especially for a newbie like me, to have a kill switch, but I find the subtler function of the safe word much more important and elegant. I remember shaking my head in fearful anticipation of a particular punishment towards the end of my first session with Mistress Koi (and ever)—I couldn't stop myself from saying no even though I did not want to stop her. The fact that we had a safe word meant I was safe to do the former without causing the latter, and she was safe to disregard—or better to savor—my fear and my submission. We brim with contradictions. We speak and act as if it is possible to be singular and consistent, but we all know that we teeter between multiple selves, multiple and mutually exclusive needs and desires, and a worldview that fluctuates even as we proclaim it. A session in the Fortress is a rare opportunity to experience and honor such contradictions by holding—or undergoing—contradictory urges in one moment. To feels one's body recoiling at the sight and sound and sensation of a woman's blows, and yet to look upon her with desire and devotion, and to stretch one's recoiling limbs as wide as one can to become a better target for her. Perhaps not everyone experiences such things the same way I do. Anyway, for me, the safe word is one of the many key elements making it possible to give myself over so fully—not just to my Mistress, but to my own contradictions.
  11. So far I've always been given food-themed safe words at the Fortress. Maybe the Fortress ladies aim to devour me...
  12. I love all the comments: "...there was lots wrong in the video (...girl being too rough, etc.)," "...no need to put your foot and pull it like that...." "...the girl lacing them up could have really hurt that guy..." I can't figure out what's wrong with a cute smirking Asian lady in high heels tying up men and hurting them...
  13. Fun topic, Head Mistress I'm not sure if this is actually my first, but it's the earliest really distinct memory of imagery intended as pornographic. It seems sort of boring to me, but anyway: We used to go in big groups to "father-son weekend" at a baseball camp in Florida every January. We didn't play much ball, we mostly just goofed around. I must've been around 8 or 9 when my father came up with one of the many rituals of the weekend: At a nearby grocery store we'd stock up on snacks and gatorade, Playboy, Penthouse, and a nerf football. Once we got to our shitty rooms my dad would find the images with the most prominent breasts, tape them to the wall, take out the football, and initiate the weekend's first round of "hit the tit."
  14. Holy shit! I can't even look at the actual photos of Mistress Koi. (Yet.) The thumbnails alone are overwhelming. She's just heart-stopping. That shot of Mistress Lu is truly adorable, and Mistress Fei: fwa-bam! Thank you, Headmistress Kang
  15. This is a very interesting topic, Mistress Lu, and of course very relevant and prevalent in our time. (And I love your answer, Mistress Fei!) I am a straight man. That's always been clear to me, even when I've found being a straight man confusing. I really appreciate that uncertainty and flexibility are becoming more accessible to society-at-large, and I find it important for someone like me to recognize and understand the diversity of experience and identity out there, but it's also important for someone like me, who is engaged in that discourse (I'm an academic), to acknowledge and own my own fairly traditional identity. As for kink, I'm still working out the way that fits into my identity My time with Mistress Koi feels so natural that I have a hard time believing anyone could want anything else... or at least that there's anyone who wouldn't enjoy the same. There are times when I think I've just happened to give pain, submission, and the like, a shot, and anyone who could try it with openness would find it fun and exciting and intimate like I do. But... I guess not everyone would get the same thrill I get when my girlfriend traces the last fading lines of the tic-tac-toe board Mistresses Koi and Fei inscribed on my back a few months ago... So I guess if asked by someone I trust, I'd say I'm a straight man with a sub side who's a little bit of a masochist.
  16. This is a very tricky question, Mistress Fei! I can come up with lots of foods that I wouldn't mind eating every day, but to actually choose one for the rest of my life... Well... it's not very earth-friendly of me, but I think I'd have to choose sushi. (Would I have to choose one particular sushi item? If so... I suppose sake maki is pretty high on the list, though if I could be really fanciful I'd go with o-toro sashimi!) Sushi is one of the few foods that seems to remind me as I am eating it to focus on tasting the food I am tasting, to pay attention to the sensations, flavors, and consistencies on my tongue and in my teeth... I find it a very sensuous and satisfying experience, not to mention delicious.
  17. Teasing and enticing subs? Mistress Rey, you are breathtaking!
  18. This perfectly captures how simultaneously adorable and terrifying you lovely Fortress ladies can be!
  19. Ah, Mistress Fei, sometimes reading your words is like hearing a part of me speaking to me from without, only with your mesmerizing visage and cute voice I'm like you! Here's how I do it: I often take a contrarian stance, put myself way out on a limb, and let the other person feel they've got me cornered, then I gently pull out the rug from underneath them by complicating the picture, and presenting my "out there" stance as a critique that, when properly understood, puts their view AND itself into question. Not sure that's a very clear description, but in any case you've already described it quite well. I let myself appear naive or at least as if I am on less firm ground, and then I flip things. It's very satisfying indeed, and often surprises others in a way that actually inspires them to think about their own thinking... I find this more satisfying and fulfilling than either taking a straightforwardly dominant stance or an earnestly disempowered stance. But I tend, when I can't manage that fun in-between, to be somewhat domineering. I'm trying to be conscious of it, though. I do not, in other words, often like to be in a submissive position unless I feel I am taking that stance for some perhaps more dominant purpose. It's almost a manipulation. For a long time I thought my BDSM urges betrayed an inner conflict surrounding submission--that secretly I wanted to submit, but I wasn't allowing myself to. That made it seem like I "really," and thus only really, needed to submit, and that I either had to learn to submit or move through and transcend the urge to submit. Now I find this story too simplistic. I am confident, contrarian, sometimes-dominating, and in many respects irredeemably male, AND I need to bow down at the feet of a deserving woman and endure/savor her abuse. It's only a conflict if I feel conflicted about it, which, these days, I mostly don't. Mostly
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