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Posts posted by franknot

  1. 3 hours ago, theDumbMule said:

    I could be wrong, it's happened once or twice before, but I think she was describing my mental state.  Not "suggesting" a name change.  She may have something far more creative to call me by.  I wouldn't want to upset her by presuming a new name without her or anyone else's permission.

    Was kinda kidding about that name thing..

    But Mistress Von Dietz's casual, offhanded evaluation of you being "Delusional" has become prophetical...  Seems like this pending psychological evaluation has become more and more necessary as can be determined by the tangled web of threads emerging from 5 different posts..."Impossible Fetishes" .. "Gross" .. "Interrogation" .. "Wine+Enemas" .. and "Drinking Games with Mistress". 

    All in an effort to get you the help you clearly need, ..yet in an hazy, semi-conscious way that you had thought was an "Impossible Fetish".. 

    Maybe give the wine enema a try... It might be cathartic .. and you will be cured... of curiosity if nothing else.

  2. 19 hours ago, theDumbMule said:

    Got it.  Sign and agree to all treatments, don't worry about fine print, everything will be ok and I will be a better mule for it.

    You guys are full of great advice.  How can I go wrong?

    Abso-fuckin-lutely...  you'll be just fine.. 

    And don't give a thought to that funny looking white jacket with the weird long arms, or those electrical thing'ies that they'll glue onto your head...(and possibly elsewhere).

  3. 19 hours ago, theDumbMule said:

    You're probably safe.  Chances are slim that Mistress Rey is paying any attention to this.

    As for the name change, at this point I should only change if a mistress decides to rename me.

    about the name change ... didn't MVD already declare you as "Delirious" ...    (I think theDM is delirious, there are no pranks at the Fortress.)

  4. 5 hours ago, theDumbMule said:

    Well, since you said I'll be well cared for, I guess that confirms that I need to come in.  Thanks for your continued good advice for my best care.

    Now who is the most "caring" mental health professional...

    Ya know.. it's funny that you should ask... I've only met Mistress Rey, and unexpectedly, she actually was quite "caring" .

    Since i am an older guy, and was a rookie first timer, i think she took it a bit easy on me. 

    As i'm currently plotting out a return session with her in the near future, i'll probably regret mentioning that. 

    But maybe she won't see this post and i'll be spared her wrath.

    (btw ... you may want to consider changing you name to "theDumb&DeliriousMule").

  5. 10 minutes ago, theDumbMule said:

    Hmm...I thought for sure I was thinking clearly this time.

    Maybe it's time I come in for a psychological examination.  No harm in that!

    Yeah, right.. no harm .. you'll be perfectly safe, secure and well cared for.

    You are delirious 

  6. Mystic River and Gone Baby Gone by Dennis Lahane... both were very good, but i always seem to favor book versions regardless.

    If you like fantasy novels, there is a kinda Japanese version of Game of Thrones titled   "Across the Nightingale Floor" . It's book 1 of the trilogy "Tales of the Otori". written by Lian Hearn in 2002.  It's a terrific tale, one of those you never want to see end,  and there was talk of movie but i haven't heard of anything recently.

    Nightingale Floor.jpg

  7. 3 hours ago, Mistress Vivienne Fang said:

    Having a warm bed and a roof over my head and good food :))) also Netflix and sex and my super who always fixes things straight away!

    You should tell your super that you need a Toto installed "straight away"  ( re: my reply to human furniture / buttcleaner)

    They're not that expensive and are easily installed.

  8. 4 hours ago, ConsentOptional said:

    Hah - all the debts are on my side of the ledger.  You can never repay these little angels for what they freely offer.

    Well, i suppose you can say the same for those larger (darker?) angels that barge into your life when you need them... hard to put a value on that too.

    Opps... i seem to be drifting off topic ... that hardly qualifies as a "simple pleasure".

  9. On 10/20/2018 at 4:08 PM, ConsentOptional said:

    Each day when I get home my dog, who is just over 15lbs and usually perched on the back of the couch watching the street, bounds down to the floor and tear-asses the length of my unit, finishing with a leap onto my bed where she waits from me to come and scratch her belly.  No matter what kind of crappy-assed day I've had, I get this little show.  Adopted her just over a year ago from a kill shelter down south.  She had heartworm so she didn't have a lot of time left from their POV.  Completely healthy these days.  And now she puts on this magnificent little show just for me every day; like I am returning from Mars or something.

    She also steps on my balls at the drop of a hat and pisses on my clothes if I am inattentive or working late too often.  I seem to have the same effect on the entire female population, canine and otherwise.

    Hey CO ... thanks for the rescue of that one little girl ... good karma for your next go-round.

  10. On 10/9/2018 at 12:08 PM, questionmarks said:

    This is really nice, thank you, HMJK, I'm really enjoying the responses.

    Yesterday I stopped along my walk to watch the squirrels in Tompkins square park bury nuts for the winter. (If you've never seen them pat down the earth with their little hands, I highly recommend giving it a few minutes, it's fascinating and adorable.) I'm grateful for the little moments in the animal kingdom I get to spy as I walk around the city.

    You would've enjoyed an old squirrel buddy of mine named "Lefty", who lived in a huge oak tree in my neighbors back yard a couple of seasons ago.. he only had one small hand for patting (the left one of course) but he was clever.  (so clever, ..now that i think of it, .. he was probably a she).

    I would wave at her (?) from my second floor deck to get her attention, and then throw her shelled walnuts.  Before long she would hear the screen door sliding open and run to her favorite hiding spot to avoid the competition of her faster, 4 legged pals.

  11. On 10/7/2018 at 10:33 PM, Mistress Rey said:

    Living in walking distance to everything is my simple pleasure. The walk to the local bookstore is so beautiful. I pass a lot of treelined streets, cute restaurants and parks. Seeing an iconic skyline of New York in the distance. Picking out some new books, putting music at home  and getting lost in some other stimulating universe in my quiet apartment. 

    Your simple pleasures speak volumes...  reading,walking, appreciating your world, returning to your cozy nest ... some aimless wool gathering too i'll bet.   

    Sounds like you treasure your peace, quiet and privacy despite the very social circumstances of your day to day life.  A delicate balance that i'm sure you manage well.

  12. On 8/8/2018 at 8:35 PM, fl600 said:

    I’ve been a long time lurker of Fortress and because I live so close to NYC I always had it as a viable option to fulfill certain things but I never saw it through, mostly because I kept chickening out but that changed today.

    I’m literally walking away from Fortress after having just completed my first session and let me tell you, it was beyond anything I could have ever imagined.  I have a very specific kink and Mistress Von Dietz and Mistress Rey fulfilled it perfectly, going further then I could have ever imagined.

    Everything about this place is class and professional, and as a professional in a very judgmental and public industry, I truly appreciated the effort that the entire staff at Fortress made.  Confidentiality is incredibly important to me and if any of you reading this have a concern, you need not.  The measures they put in place to protect the women as well as the clients is superb and the whole process made me feel much better.

    But I know none of you are reading this for a review of their security so I’ll get to the good stuff.  I made a very specific request for tickling and that was the only thing that I’m really into.  I did however request that the two Mistresses be dressed in very specific attire and saying that they came through is a genuine understatement.

    Mistress Rey if you read this, let me just say that I had considered asking for that very thing that you wore but decided against it just on the sheer cost alone and when I saw them on you I damn near lost it on the spot.  

    Mistress Von Dietz, your choice of apparel was literally what I had in mind when I made my request and just seeing it in person was surreal.

    To the tickling component, at some point I thought that I wasn’t ticklish anymore and that was a real shame because I’ve always liked to be tickled.  The two Mistresses quickly put that ridiculous notion to bed as they tied me to the rack and proceeded to have their way with me.  The next hour was a torturous journey where they identified any and all spots on my body where I was ticklish and they exploited them.

    If any of you are on the fence about whether or not to come here, let me be the first one to tell you that it is well worth it in every sense.  While my session was strictly limited to one specific kink, I have no doubt that the range of abilities these women have will encompass whatever it is that you are looking for.  I get the feeling that these women possess a unique and rare skill that allows them to take on any persona and mindset that is requested of them and bring your wildest fantasies to life.

    In closing, I apologize to Mistress Rey and Mistress Von Dietz for what may have been construed as juvenile questions.  In no way did I ever intend any disrespect, if any was taken.  I fully intend on booking another session in the very near future and I hope that we can go to the next level.

      I too, had been lurking in the Fortress bushes for a while, rummaging around the forum, peeking here and there.  My impressions were similar to yours .. it felt like a close fraternity of like minded people who are classy, intelligent, and well spoken.   And when viewing the candid photos and comments of the Mistresses, they became so "real" and irresistable. 

      While i have no idea of what i actually hope to experience, .. (Mistress Rey will be scripting the scenario without my input) ..  or if the reality will be what i have been fantasising about, the opening paragraphs of your post are what encouraged me to make an appointment, .. and my moment of reckoning is now only days away.

      My uncle taught me how to swim by just throwing me in the deep end... and that worked out ok.. Hopefully the same will apply here.


  13. On 10/16/2018 at 6:36 AM, theDumbMule said:

    Go ahead and take it!  I think in the interrogation  I forgot to copyright the idea anyway.  

    For my session, it was a 4 hour session.  The 2nd and 3rd hour was the interrogation with Mistresses Jin, Von Dietz, and Rey.  I made it to the 3rd hour (2nd hour of interrogation) before spilling the beans.  I was "helped" by being gagged for some of it.

    thanks D-Mule .. for sharing  .. i had never heard or thought of "interrogation" before browsing through the forum, so being clueless about that and some other "fun" experiences,  i certainly can use all the help and direction i can get before taking my maiden voyage on the S.S. Fortress.

    You and others have given me advice and encouragement to kinda ease the way .. and that, along with the openness of the staff and players, and the interesting dialogue in the forum have made me feel welcome.  I'm really liking the neighborhood.

    Now i suppose it could be that you guys are pranking the new kid into a false sense of security and then ....   but nah.. 

  14. On 10/16/2018 at 3:35 PM, ConsentOptional said:

    By all means go at the speed you are comfortable with.  But these women are quite adept at reading their “victims.”  You’ll be ok.  If you want to be ok....

    As for wanting to be ok, ??..  maybe being at risk would be more exciting. Guess i'm about to get a taste of reality in a few more days.

    thanks again CO,.. being a new guy, i really do appreciate the advice.

  15. 23 minutes ago, theDumbMule said:

    My way around this was to book a session that started with one Mistress that gave me information to keep secret.  She left and then I had to keep the secret from the interrogators until the 1st Mistress returned.  I failed but this set up a scenario with real consequences on my ability to resist the interrogation.

    Hmmm ... sounds like an excellent idea, mind if i borrow it? 

    But wondering, will they'll still respect your limits or is it a free-for-all with this scenario ... guess i might have to sign a release before entering that dark, sweaty room. 

    Just curious.. how long did you last?

  16. 2 hours ago, ConsentOptional said:

    The "interrogation with no right answer" is kind of cool.  Your problem is not withholding information, it's that you don't have the information they want.  Then it becomes a question of how long it takes them to believe you.

    Say you were watching a building in Chinatown.  Drawn to the coming and going of a certain class of women.  Dominant, sexy, aloof.  They'd never notice you, you suppose.  But they did notice you.  Drawn to that flame once too often.  They have been turning boys like you into proper slaves to be sold at auction or given back to their wives or girlfriends as trained servants.  They can't risk trusting you.  Who sent you? they wonder.

    One day you are invited in "since you seem so interested in our facility...."  You are thrilled.  Too excited to ask yourself how they noticed you and why they are inviting you in.  You are told to walk down a low-lit hallway to a locked door, then another locked door.  You are let in and the doors immediately lock behind you.  Suddenly you are alone and clearly outnumbered.  And the question is asked.  "Who sent you?"  You don't have an answer; you can only explain that you simply followed a helpless craving, but no one sent you.  Hands seize you, and you soon find yourself strenuously bound.  "Who sent you?"  You try to explain the weakness that brought you there.  "Liar!"  One slaps you.  Another picks up a gag and a whip.  "Last chance - who sent you?"  You almost want to make up a name, but you know they won't believe you.  The gag is wedged into your mouth.  "Have it your way..."  They almost seem glad that you're insisting on being difficult.

    Secretly they believe you.  But they will first make absolutely certain that you know nothing of their operation.  And perhaps you will be sold at the next auction.

    And you did it all without having any information to divulge except that these women drive you absolutely mad....

    Now just a goddamn minute ... i know my rights.. i haven't be Mirandized and what about my one phone call ?? .. B-b-.but this is outrageous ... i demand to see my attorney !!!

                                                                                 *  *  *  *

    Thanks for your help C O ...i now have a sense of  how delicious this could be ... but might be too intense for a rookie so maybe i should wait to try this on my second visit.

  17. On 7/5/2018 at 9:15 AM, Mistress Rey said:

    One that puts up a good fight. If he gives his secrets too easily, there is no challenge! The fun of interrogation is the challenge of breaking someone. 

    What if you're just a little curious about what goes on during an interrogation, but don't have any deep or interesting secrets to admit to? 


      I don't know that this fits the topic exactly but ... 

      I started seeing a phycologist 5 weeks ago for a not too serious issue that i felt i needed to acknowledge. My therapist is young-ish and very attractive without trying to be, and part of my therapy has to deal with an old relationship that coincidentally did bring out my submissive tendencies for the first time.

      I now find myself trying to have her discover my secret submissive desires, and reveal them to me, at which time i will deny it vigorously .. I've been dropping subtle hints about the "odd" nature of that long ago relationship with hopes that she'll suggest "the possibility" of what my anxiety is really caused by.

      She dresses casually during our therapy sessions, sometimes wearing a dress, and at times she'll cross her legs and unconsciously relax her foot so that one shoe slips off a bit and dangles from her toes. I force myself not to stare (or drool) too much and i'm reasonably sure she's unaware of what this is doing to me... She's petite and her feet are small .. i believe i could fit one almost completely in my mouth, (or die trying) ... 

      Needless to say, i'm having trouble focusing on my original issue, because during therapy i am constantly fantasizing about her confronting me with my "hidden" submissive needs, and to prove her analysis is accurate she has me strip, and lie over her lovely knees for a sound, bare hand spanking... (or any number of other scenarios).

      My next session is tomorrow.  She'll have no idea that i'll have groomed carefully, and will be wearing a comfortable butt plug along with a silicone cock & ball ring... hope she's wearing a dress... and open toed sandals would be nice too.

    ... to be continued...

  19. On 9/30/2018 at 7:13 PM, Mistress Rey said:

    We will talk first, get to know each other before proceeding. But after the initial acquainting you must leave the rest to me. 

    Well, as the Brit's would say.. "done and dusted". The appointment is confirmed and with a lot of patience and help from Mistress Emma some of the smaller details have been worked out.     As i said to her in my initial email ..

    "Here is my list of fetishes .. please ask Mistress Rey to craft a scene that might employ some or all of them.. I think that being unaware of what to expect will add to the experience so please encourage Mistress Rey to do whatever would please her the most."

    So, yes, i look forward to  "leaving the rest to you"  .. i guess i like the idea of closing my eyes and just jumping off that cliff.. but being a newbie i'm pretty sure that the thoughts and fantasies i have will differ greatly from the reality.

    Still,  i'm ready to offer up this old mind, body, and spirit as a sacrifice to the young Goddess .. and accept whatever follows with grace and dignity.

  20. On 8/4/2018 at 10:40 AM, Mistress Rey said:

    Fuck for the first time again.

    Do you remember that 1st time with fondness or regret? ... possibly wishing that it would have made the earth shake a little bit more intensely? 

    I'd rather forget my first fuck, ...  rather awkward and clumsy, ...  In my case the only thing shaking were my knees.

  21. 30 years ago i met a young woman who i guess introduced me to my first taste of kinky sex... by this i mean an actual "taste".. 

    I was giving her oral and out of nowhere she began squirting ... i never even knew such a thing was possible back then, and didn't know what it was i where or where it came from... and i certainly didn't care.

    Well needless to say i loved it and could not get enough of it... still do,  but there was nothing like that 1st surprise .. i'll treasure it always.

  22. I'm very close to booking my first session with Mistress Rey... i'm an older guy, 65+, and have had one disappointing experience with a pro domme. .. other than that i'm a newbie with a head full of fantasies that i've been nursing for a few years now...

    Of course i'm nervous .. so should i just list my kinks, surrender completely and leave it up to Mistress Rey' to decide on my fate?

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