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Everything posted by painslut

  1. I for one would love to see MVD as Hermoine
  2. Interesting. I wonder if it would be more enjoyable the second time with a more willing guy.
  3. Well when I first watched ball busting I thought I would hate it. But after trying it I loved it. I think because the mistresses seem to get so excited by it. i think getting tied up was less interesting than I thought. It seemed like it would make it more intense but it always feels less interactive to me. Seems more fun if I am runnninf around will they smack me or pommel me.
  4. Damn this is the luckiest kid of all time. when he is old enough, you should offer him a free session and break him in properly.
  5. A couple of things come to mind. https://fetnovelty.com/product/cock-shock-remote-cbt-electric-cock-ring/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxdP5t_f22gIVhb9kCh0SQAP7EAkYASABEgKaM_D_BwE https://www.qcsupply.com/50094-magrath-stock-shock-22-38.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6M6SoPj22gIVjMhkCh1xxwoLEAQYASABEgJUiPD_BwE A taser? Haha Jk
  6. I found this on netflix years ago. I masturbated so much I thought I was going to go blind.
  7. Can you imagine what she would do to your balls? Also made me think of angela basset she always struck me as a very stong woman. Second Natalie Dormer had a crush on her since she was in the Tudors. Hard to narrow it down but a few more I would list Jennifer Connelly that scene in career opportunites where she rides the mechanical horse still gives me wet dreams Chasty Ballesteros Eva amurri god those breasts Amber Rose Nikki minaj Too manu to name!
  8. Good Lord. I would do anything to see you in a latex nun outfit.
  9. painslut

    Hell, I will take you to a beach anytime you want to go.
  10. painslut


    Just the sight of this brings me to my knees!
  11. painslut

    Love this. The cross is a nice touch do you ever do any nun role plays?
  12. painslut

    I am going to go with a Moscow Mule just for kicks!
  13. I was also wondering about this? Has anybody tried this?
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