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Jung's Jewboy

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Everything posted by Jung's Jewboy

  1. Jung's Jewboy


    "Yes, JJB, just thought I'd send you a pic of the outfit I got thanks to your AMEX card. I'm headed to PRADA and VERSACE and then I'll send another pic. I promise."
  2. Here sweetie, I chewed it a bit then dropped it on the floor of the ladies room. Should be a tasty treat for you. Now about that Power of Attorney thingie, sweetie?
  3. Yes, a prison role play just embodies the whole dynamic so well. Female authority is inescapable and the prisoner has no recourse. Of course, my prison job would be Locker Room Attendant. I would be responsible for the maintenance and care of the all-female crew's uniforms (washing and ironing and shining), attending to their needs in the showers, after workouts etc. The sights, sounds and smells of the room would overwhelm me at times and that would be a source of amusement for the staff. Particularly when they saw me wince as I became aroused and the spiked chastity tube did its job. As my parole date approached some infraction would always be claimed and the warden would smirk at me as would the assembled guards as she stamped 'denied' on my papers and spoke her decision as she wrote it in the file. ' prisoner shows no remorse for his crime (clearly contrived sexual harassment claim btw) and his sentence is extended for another 6 months. A 90 day judgement had already been extended several times and I was in for 2 years already.
  4. I remember a furries party in one of the episodes of Entourage. The lead actor in that seems to have fallen off the earth. Probably the Entourage movie gave him the push. Lol.
  5. I'm terribly sorry but although you HAVE met your goal weight a small technicality in the agreement requires a retroactive judicial punishment. So sorry. You should be ready for 250 strokes with a rattan cane administered by a new Domme trainee who has done anger issues.
  6. You have a little 'Denise Richards' thing goin on there. Except for the crazy part. LOL
  7. lovely pic. Always been a fan of the pony tail. It's disarming but strong.
  8. I know I would never be allowed above the foot.
  9. Lovely. I'm sure you brightened up a few peoples day.
  10. At last, a woman who favors DD's coffee. A rare find!
  11. Under imagined tortures I must confess my fetishes. I once saw a domme, pre-fortress who specialized in foot fetishes. I'm not a rabid foot freak by any means and don't become priapic simply by viewing a shapely foot but I do enjoy licking a woman's bare feet, particularly if they are dirty, sooty and sweaty. This domme offered the opportunity to worship her feet which remained unwashed for 5+ days before our session. She was a pale woman and her feet were so dark with filth and smelled awful and pulled me in like a 'tractor-beam' on Star Trek. Essentially, it was an hour or so of tongue cleaning her feet with her checking the progress every few minutes. Half-way through the session she brought me to the adjoining bathroom to show me the evidence of my labors. As she stood behind me she made me look at my now sooty face and my almost black tongue and the grit from her feet that was now in my teeth like poppy seeds from a kaiser roll Then it was back to my labors. That experience was burned into my memory and now the sight of dirty bare feet and certain tastes and scents in that 'family' immediately put me in a sub-space.
  12. one of my first submissive crushes was the older sister 'Judy Robinson' in Lost & Space. Essentially a mix of 'Swiss Family Robinson' and 'Lassie' but the island is a planet and the dog is a robot. Judy was played by a Marta Kristen Here is a website - http://martakristen.com/ The show definitely was written by guys who visited dommes as there was a definite BDSM and D/s theme to many episodes. Subtext in some and more literal in others.
  13. As submissive as I am I think I'd be willing to fake it till I make it to have a crack at her. I remember hearing that she wasn't too different from her character in real life. It was evident that her cast mates were not fans. I'm thinking one of those butt plugs with an inflating bulb, weighted nipple clamps. Spreader bar with ankle cuffs. Some electroplay of course. I'm thinking some Demeaning puppy play with a bowl of ALPO which she must consume AND. Lick the bowl. Too much??
  14. Jung's Jewboy

    Texting who?

    "Dear JJB, I've given it more thought but I'm afraid I am resolute. Please come in tomorrow so I can perform the penectomy you so clearly deserve" Am I close?
  15. Would happily worship them, particularly the soles. They must be restored to 'store' clean. Of course, I must be blindfolded as i am not worthy of seeing you naked.
  16. you look like a mix of Catherine Denueve and Sienna Miller
  17. Interesting, picked Laurie by default but I agree / she was quite vacant but then the music was more the point than the story I think. In all, an odd show. I had a few interactions IRL with Bonaduce actually. What an asshole. I never saw so many people in one place rolling their eyes simultaneously. Ever see Shirley Jones in Grandmas Boy? Hilarious comedic take as an old hooker who one character remarks about her "she invented the handjob"
  18. No one on threes company really inspired strong fantasies for me. Definitely Mary Ann. Despite her pigtails I always suspected some darkness beneath her peaches and cream complexion. Laurie of course as she was really the only choice unless you're a pedophile or into GILFs. Marcia Brady of course. I imagine Lillith in her crisp business suit and black pumps. She's berating me for my lackluster job and cleaning the tiles behind the toilet.
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