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Everything posted by Manpeach

  1. These lady's look ready for some speed skating. Skates, imaging the trampling session
  2. Manpeach

    Sunday school

    Mistress Rey, You are so modest in your Sunday Bests
  3. I saw a guy in Provincetown last summer wearing "The Cutie". Of course he wasn't the only guy dressed as a girl, but he was certainly the best dressed!
  4. Never miss an opportunity to pee in the woods

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Manpeach


      Good question Dannyboy. I do know it will still turn the snow yellow

    3. Outcast


      What about number 2?

    4. Manpeach


      Naw. Too many bears

  5. Hey TW. I saw you on forum today. How is your health?

    1. Dannyboy


      Yes! I see you've been on line. Hope things are better.

    2. TrackWarrior


      Hey MP, Dannyboy, Yea I was just looking around. Still struggling with my health. I was in NYU for 8 days over Christmas. I have a viral infection in my brain. Home getting anti viral iv therapy twice a day and it is pretty toxic. Hope you guys had a great Christmas and Hppy New Year.

    3. Manpeach


      Sorry to hear that TW. Hang in there I'll be thinking of you

  6. Manpeach

    Bathing in light

    Nothing is more beautiful than a Rey of light
  7. Lions and tigers and bares, oh my!
  8. This looks like google maps locating the Dunkins Donuts in my area
  9. Manpeach

    Sunday funday

    This is what I worship on Sundays.......and every other day
  10. Manpeach


    and GoldieRey said, "This bra is just right"
  11. Mistress Kang, do we have to say it with the english accent?
  12. Will I have to vote for Bernie Sanders?
  13. Had an Afib event, they gave me a cardioversion and now back on track. No need to return to meds

    1. Manpeach


      Hey Skeech. I had to have another afib & Afluffter ablation done.

  14. on behalf of the residents of LA looking east, thank you
  15. Hey Pat8 , all went well today. Thanks for caring

  16. Hey SpermW, all went well today!

    1. Outcast


      That's great news Brad!!! Get you crack pipe ready for the park:D!

  17. I might be having a heart attack

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Manpeach


      LOL All went well. My heart is good but I'm still stupid

    3. Dannyboy


      Hey that's life. I'd donate my heart to you but then she would call me a heartless bastard.

    4. Manpeach


      Thanks Dannyboy, but your heart has too many miles on it.

  18. Hey JayM. Look me up if you're ever shooting in RI. [email protected]

  19. Hey DogZ, where's your avatar.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dogzilla


      Thanks so much Manpeach. I hope all is well with you. You've always been so kind, and always appreciate your thoughts. For me, with the recent forum talk about physical and financial harm in BDSM per Jessy's update, it appears that emotional harm is fine. That's what I get for falling for a paid illusion.

    3. Dogzilla


      I saw your post about being in the hospital. I hope all goes well and your heart good as new. I wish you a speedy recovery.

    4. Manpeach


      All went as planned DogZ Thanks for caring.

      Really sad to see you in so much pain. Please feel free to reach out off forum [email protected]

  20. Manpeach

    K MART tea party!

    Actually, it looks like she's squeezing your nipple with her right hand. But for her , that is a sign of love!
  21. Manpeach

    K MART tea party!

    Oh I see now DogZ, that a little purple party hat you're wearing
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