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Everything posted by JustAGuy

  1. Not sure, but I could swear I'm hearing intermittent keyboard keystrokes throughout.
  2. Oddly, I just watched my favorite movie ("The Blues Brothers," as stated earlier) while visiting my family for Christmas, because it popped up on cable. Complete with TV edits and commercials. Even though I have it on DVD at my place and never watch it. Does anybody else do that? Get movies on DVD and only watch the when they pop up on TV?
  3. I'll be having my first session with Mistress Kang in the first week of the new year, so maybe in lieu of making a resolution I'll just spend January recovering. Or I could go the old "get back to the gym" route. Merry Christmas everybody!
  4. "The Blues Brothers" has been my favorite movie since I was a child, and it will always be my favorite movie. As an adult who actually got a degree in film, I think I can objectively say it's a damned good film. Sometimes if we go a long time without seeing each other, my brother and I are tempted to embrace the way they do over the title card. Why? It has the best soundtrack ever...seriously, Aretha Franklin, Cab Calloway, James Brown and Ray Charles in the same movie!?. It has Carrie Fischer with a machine gun. It has Dan Aykroyd singing "Stand By Your Man." It has John Belushi wising off to a nun and getting whacked by a ruler, and she has to keep whacking him because he keeps swearing in pain. It has Illinois Nazis (though I hate Illinois Nazis).
  5. t's weird how some posters point out "taking pictures of food" as an Asian thing. I know enough non-Asians who do it that I laughed really hard recently at a stand-up comedy routine that touched on the subject. But...the stand-up comic was Asian. COINCIDENCE!?!? Also, for some reason the thought of uber-Goddess Jessy Kang making cornbread really makes me smile, and I'd definitely want to try some.
  6. You know, I was all ready to get butthurt (as the kids say) that no one in this thread is reading my "Kim vs Joe" story on the members forum, before I noticed this is actually a zombie thread rising from the dead after over a year.
  7. I definitely love the "aftercare" sequence and always wish it lasted longer. I agree with Zhao, Fei and Manpeach that the naked aspect breaks down some of the barriers and pretense. I find myself rushing to get my shower and get my clothes back on...but as I think of it now I wish I could wash up and then have a long conversation in the nip. I think for a lot of subs, getting past embarrassment at out own desires, or a normal sense of pride that conflicts with submissive desires gets in the way of intimacy with a Dom. Also, with all your sexual desire fueling this idea of a divine Goddess whose boots you aren't fit to lick, it can be nice once you've...discharged some of that desire to actually speak like a person to the real-life, wonderful but ultimately mortal woman you've been dealing with. Now I wonder about the idea of a post-session cup of tea. It could part of a fantasy scene of course, with Asian trimmings in the tatami room, but I'm thinking more of just a man and a woman having a relaxing cup of tea (maybe with a "biscuit") in the UK/Irish style. Post-shower but pre-dressing, or maybe while wearing robes. I'd never want that to end...maybe that's the problem, they'd have to kick me out at the end... On a related note, based on one experience I would highly recommend doing a Dinner & Domination session to any subs who haven't tried it. I ended up having dinner before the session and I felt a deeper connection and trust as the session started, making it much easier to relax and enjoy the ride. I think it made it better for the Dom too (though my Mistress was such a sweetheart I doubt she'd have let me think anything else). A dinner post-session might be even more fun if you like post-session talk, but I doubt you could do it nude.
  8. I wonder what he did that made the apology necessary. Do you suppose he failed to bring it on when he and his lady were so instructed by rival break-dancers?
  9. Seriously Manpeach? One of the Mistresses may neuter you for the thread title pun. That being said, I do love kitties. Post away, Mistresses and subs!
  10. I was thinking about writing a review of a recent session when I realized I never wrote a review of my last session with Koi! So to that end... I went to see Koi on the day before Christmas Eve (Christmas Eve Eve?) and I had a happy holiday indeed. If you've ever read anyone's review of a Koi session they always talk about how sweet and adorable she is. It's practically a cliche now. I don't even want to say it...but I have to! She's SO ADORABLE! She's like the Disney Princess of dominatrixes (dominatrices?) She swears it was an accident when she gave my balls another shock at "10" after telling me we were done, and all I could think (after the pain subsided slightly) was ah, I hope I didn't embarrass poor Koi! She's so sweet! As I had seen in previous reviews, Koi is a fan of dice games. With me strapped to a table and unable to move, she rolled a dice, and each number meant something different. There were a few nasty tortures, and at least one number meant I got a reward, and one number meant I got ALL of the tortures. Guess which one I got? She actually sounded sorry for me. I really believed it for a second, and then the skeptic in me spoke up. I pointed out that since I was tied up, I never got to see which way the dice landed, or even that all of the sides didn't have the same number. She sounded almost HURT by the accusation! I felt so bad! How could I mistrust that poor, sweet Princess? Sure, she proceeded to torture me in every way she'd listed, but hey, didn't I have it coming at that point? Before we began, I told Mistress Koi that I had a thing about women making...disparaging comments about the size of my...manly equipment. Let me tell you, Koi took to that with gusto. There was no hesitation there. But somehow...I don't know...somehow even that was sweet! I ended up laughing about it during the scene, she was so adorable in the way she mocked my manhood! Did I mention Koi is adorable? Because she is. At one point, I was licking her boots, positioned in a way that I could see her sweet face, and she told me I was a "good boy" in this really condescending way that made me...uh...well let's just say it's a good thing she is so nice because she could have made me do ANYTHING at that point. She is naturally sweet and (dare I say it again?) adorable, but I got a flash that she could go cold-hearted bitch at you if you asked. And if she felt like obliging, of course. Anyway, thank you so much for a great time Mistress Koi!
  11. That's an interesting idea. It reminds me of a book I read once set in ancient China. Because of the way the Confucian value system was constructed, a woman could wield a lot of power if her sons grew to be important, and to a lesser extent if her husband was important. Women would fight proxy political battles with each other through their husbands. I can picture having a Fortress wife whose ambitions clash with another Fortress lady, and I end up shrugging helplessly at my "rival" at court who is also being controlled by his more powerful wife.
  12. In a specifically femdom/pegging context I have heard the male anus called "wussy pussy" before, which makes me want to call it "mangina." In a non-femdom context, I remember a girl calling it the "bad hole" and a guy insisting it was the "good hole,." They went back and forth arguing over that a few times. It was like the Lincoln/Douglas debates of anal.
  13. You know, I never wrote a review of my session with Koi about a month ago. I really should have, I had a great time and she's incredible!
  14. There once was a guy from some place who never looked girls in the face he'd stare at their chests drooling over their breasts till a crotch-kick put him in his place.
  15. If you've never done it before, you probably have enough things you're dying to try to easily fill two hours. Personally, I would say start with one mistress so you have something to progress to later, but if you have fantasies about multiple mistresses why not go for broke?
  16. This guy might want to give the Fortress a pass. Imagine how many clothespins or electrical diodes the ladies could fit on TWO!
  17. You know, I always liked the dub of that show, but no one believes me when I said it wasn't a sex thing. And yes, Mars is the best.
  18. You know, someone in the member's forum was talking about how he'd lost a lot of weight between visits to the Fortress. I need to cut some weight, and it got me thinking...go to the Fortress for a session, and then swear not to return until I've dropped a certain number of pounds. Now THAT would be good motivation!
  19. Getting back to the original topic, Hello Kitty isn't above using her feminine wiles these days. I have a photo from a vacation in Japan of a key chain with Hello Kitty hiking up her skirt to show off her panties, but I'm not sure how to upload it. So you don't get to see Hello Kitty's panties, despite her best efforts to show the world!
  20. Sounds like an interesting form of acting training. I've heard of Method Acting, I don't know what you'd call that.
  21. I also remember the sensation of being warm under the blankets with the tip of my nose being cold. There's actually a passage in Moby Dick that describes that in great detail, as Ishmael explains that you can never really experience and treasure warmth unless part of you is experiencing cold. The opposite sensations define each other. I think anyone on this forum, interested in pleasure and pain, can understand that. Actually, one of my dreams is to some day marry a girl will make me get up an hour early in winter to turn on the heat so the house is warm before she gets out from under the covers. Not sexy or kinky, just both of us knowing she's in charge. Another sense memory of winter is the smell of really bitingly cold air. It's subtly different from the smell of snow...there's a smell air gets whether there's snow or not when it's cold enough. Other than that, when I try to think of winter sensations, I keep flashing to Christmas.
  22. Ah, the beauty of loss. "Mono no aware" and all that. Personally, I love getting hugged and having a little chat with Miss Haru after a session. It always feels like a bit of a shame when it's over, but all good things must come to an end.
  23. I suppose it depends on the contents of the session...sometimes the submissive is pretty sedentary (especially if he's bound to the point where he literally can't move a muscle). But if an increased heart rate burns calories Miss Haru, then I'm sure my time spent with you was good for my health.
  24. A few days ago I had a session with Mistress Haru and I have nothing but positive things to say. This was my first session with the Fortress and my first session in NYC, and I have to admit I was a bundle of nerves at the beginning. Mistress Haru did a great job of making me feel welcome and comfortable (well, before the intentional discomfort started, of course). She greeted me with a wide and genuine smile. She was friendly, warm, and sweet. As she said later, "you catch more flies with honey," and who wouldn't want to be the fly she caught? I had provided the Fortress with a pretty long list of potential interests and I requested that the domina feel free to try one or two things she enjoyed that I hadn't mentioned. Mistress Haru clearly took the time to look at my email because she did exactly that. My interests were explored, and I got to try a few new things, like being blindfolded. That was fun, except I missed seeing Mistress Haru's beautiful face. In all seriousness, her photos on the website do not do the lady justice. As beautiful as she looks in her gallery, in real-life she's even more of a sadistic angel. As gorgeous as Mistress Haru is, I was most captivated by her playfulness. Personally, a domina who yells just doesn't excite me as much as a domina who giggles as she inflicts pain on your most sensitive parts. When she was underwhelmed by my boot-polishing skills, she did not raise her voice, she teased and mocked me instead. Her playfulness helped me relax and even made me want to laugh, like when she put her dirty panties in my mouth and told me when she got them back, she wanted them to smell like lavender. I'll never forget that. Lavender? We had a nice little chat when it was over that was broken up because the room was needed, but it felt like Mistress Haru would have happily talked to me longer about how things went (and judging by my watch when I ended my session, I was not shorted so much as a minute on time). For anyone thinking about visiting Mistress Haru or any of the ladies at the Fortress (which is run entirely by women - very, very cool), I can say my experience was excellent. Geography and the economy may get in the way, but otherwise I'd be back every week!
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