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Everything posted by JustAGuy

  1. Loved the haiku. It was a real haiku too, not just non-sequitors.
  2. Haha, ok, really didn't need that last one...
  3. I've gotta say, Anakin's gender-reassignment surgery went really well.
  4. I don't even know whose being booed...
  5. That Dildo links back to this thread. It's like a Möbius Strip of pricks being pricked with pins!
  6. The "humor and chatter" thing sums me up quite well...I'd swear you were talking about me but we've never sessioned! I don't think I'd like a silent session much...it would be hard for me to tell if I was pleasing my mistress...but then, I do have a thing for a stony-faced beauty. That cool witch who doesn't seem impressed no matter what you do. Maybe silence can be a part of that sort of session...
  7. For some reason hearing a woman speak English in an Asian accent of any kind is a turn-off for me, but the idea of a woman intentionally doing an Asian accent while calling me out on thinking of her in Asian stereotypes is sort of a turn-on... The only time I got dominated in an Asian language is when I told Haru I'd tried to learn a little Japanese before vacationing there so she busted some out in session. I knew just enough to know she was asking simple questions I couldn't answer, and then insulting me for being too stupid to understand. I didn't know what she wanted me to do or how to answer, but she sounded drop-dead sexy.
  8. Not to get all political but Trump's popularity scares me. People love him because he's the only candidate who seems to be genuine, or at least speaking without a filter. But just because what he says is what he really thinks doesn't change the fact that what he says is FUCKING TERRIBLE.
  9. I guess it's too late to try and convince you I'm not into Star Wars lol, however, I could see myself getting into Chinese Star Wars. I like the gif, though she doesn't really look Finnish to me...
  10. This thing is fucking great. I like the first panel on page 4 (Panel 75 - KENNEDY SPACE CENTER - THE TARGET) and 95 (WHAT?) and 119 (ROBOT KISSING!!!) and really anything with the Chinese version of Princess Leia being even more of a pin-up girl than regular Leia was on the first poster. Also, Chewbacca looks like a monkey instead of whatever the Hell he's supposed to look lie.
  11. I'm always tickled when I meet a non-Caucasian with a British accent. An old buddy of mine met a Vietnamese girl who spoke English with an Irish accent. I wanted to meet her SO BAD!
  12. It's like a sexed-up "The Manchurian Candidate." I really don't know how to square this with the "USMC" tank-top though! It's the biggest mystery since "Why is she called 'Bean?'"
  13. I envy Trump's simple view of the world. China is good. Mexico is bad.
  14. I got Kanged by her and the Spinal Tap last week... I'm trying to get my head together to write a session review but there's just so much to say about Mistress Kang...
  15. HEY! That was ME who reminded you! Actually, it was "who let all these people in here!"
  16. I love this picture. I always love the candids, with a domme in something other than a fetish costume. It gives you hope that the pretty woman you see walking down a normal street on a normal day might have a secret side a bit like the beautiful Mistress Rey herself...
  17. JustAGuy

    K MART tea party!

    Everybody's so obsessed with seeing dominance and cruelty in everything these lovely ladies do! Clearly Rey and Koi are working off the soft, sweet, gentle-as-a-lamb sides of their personalities with these stuffed animals so they won't be tempted to spare an ounce of sadistic discipline when we show up... Aw Hell, I'll make a pervy comment too while I'm here, maybe get Rey to laugh. I don't know if I should be jealous of Hello Kitty, that My Little Pony, or maybe even the chairs they're sitting on...
  18. I guess I'm a big nerd then because I've played games from both of those series! You have to be really careful with the better Civilization games...it's easy to while away an entire day without realizing you never spoke to another soul...but it's still fun to play as Ireland and create both the pyramids and the Internet.
  19. Any specific titles you'd be willing to share Mistress Rey? I've played a few but they're mostly old or obscure...I've pre-ordered the new Nobunaga's Ambition game that's coming out and I've played most of the recent Romance of the Three Kingdoms games.
  20. Argh, you're killing me! My real-life job relates to finding that sort of stuff! I'm a big video game nerd but I've never played WoW. When I confessed to Mistress Koi that I like video games, her mind went there straight away.
  21. Depends on your sign. Or more seriously, it depends on whether you believe them. My guilty pleasure is that I've watched pro-wrestling on and off since I was a kid. I think it's now finally mainstream enough that you no longer have to explain to people that you know it's fake but enjoy it anyway!
  22. I know it's late but I think I found the instructions.
  23. I loved this thread and I want it back. Look at these!
  24. In the story I wrote on the member's forum, the safe word used was "Fahrvergnügen" from the old Volkswagen ad, because it means "driving pleasure" and because no one would ever yell it under normal circumstances. Mistress Kang gave me a safe phrase once. Not sure if it's ok to share...the phrase didn't mean anything to me but I shamed myself by having to use it (though to be fair, she gave it to me in the middle of a scene because I think she was already starting to sense that I was in over my head a bit).
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