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Everything posted by kevybaby

  1. There's a lot of people on these forums that I like and you are certainly one of them. I like you a lot, and furthermore, I look up to you. My image of you is an older asian man who has a lotttt of money and has lived very much a charmed life. You wake up and get blowjobs from your beautiful young lady, who you own (she is literally your property - you're that rich and powerful). Then you have the best chefs in the world make you breakfast. Your beautiful young lady bathes you and then you play the piano for a few hours - with excellence. Then you shoo away the plethora of women in your life for a few hours because its off to the racetrack to bet on horses because you have more money than you know what to do with. Then you hang out and get soft-dommed by your retired Mistresss friends. Lastly its back home to plow your beautiful young lady, and have chefs prepare you fillet mignon. Then more sex with your other woman that you own (even though you just call it a "relationship"). Then blowjob from beautiful young lady then you sleep on a temperpedic bed. Anything about this inaccurate?
  2. Np, I'm a pretty good sub huh? (Cute voice, btw Mistress Zito loves when I go "Hey Mistress" and then she's like "what" and then I'm like "I'm a pretty good sub huh?" in my cutest little voice. I'm sweet.
  3. What about a session where both you and the Mistress are only allowed to whisper the entire time, that could be weird. Imagine being whisper-screamed at if you misbehaved. And they're furious at you but they're yelling in a whisper like they don't want the neighbors to hear lmao. And you're whispering back "I'm sorry" quiet as a mouse but really intensely.
  4. I always wonder if sessioning changes you. I tend to think it's changed me but I also want to believe that. I think it's basically extremely rapid therapy - and just like therapy has it's limits to the change it can create in you, this too has limits. But it gets you to those limits faster if you let it, and maybe even pushes those limits a little further. As for what you lose, I think I've lost any sense of dignity or self-respect or confidence. Or maybe sessioning has shown me how fake my beliefs in any of those things were, at least for myself but probably for every single person who's ever lived. I just get to feel that honesty of life. And I lose any kind of balls to talk to girls but hey I've never really had much of that to begin with and I'm getting actual therapy now which will of course do very little if anything. You write well man.
  5. It makes me feel jealous and comforted at the same time when I read posts like this - that other people have these same feelings I do. I'm not totally on board with all of the feelings you described but with a lot of them I can deeply relate. I need to try consensual non-consent in a session, I guess that's your biggest thing? My fear is that with me lacking a safeword they'd go easy and it would be basically just a mild session with no safeword, instead of the terrifyingly intense session that pushes me further than I've ever gone because I have no choice but to keep going that I'd fantasize about.
  6. kevybaby


    probly wasn't even that good
  7. Lol did you bring that on the subway
  8. kevybaby

    All latex lingerie

    I also think its fire
  9. Lol you're all wearing the Batsu! thing on a different part of your body - Mistress Fang is wearing it like an 80s workout person, Mistress Von Dietz is wearing it like a choker, Mistress Zito is wearing it like the queen of England, Mistress Rey is wearing it like a powerlifting strap thing, and Mistress Jin is wearing it like she's about to have blood drawn. Great!
  10. so many blue balls around you oh the places you GO
  11. How does that not cut off circulation to your lower legs though
  12. Thanks so much man. I tried that button but I'll have to try dragging the image over on a pc (usually on my phone). Tired of looking like I'm 70 and don't know how to use technology. So humiliating (hnnnggg).
  13. kevybaby

    Golden hour

  14. It's not funny anymore guys how do you gif it right into the page it's not funny it's not a joke anymore
  15. https://www.google.com/search?biw=360&bih=560&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=LO0BW7J5iZDnAvq5r9gL&q=what's+in+the+bag+a+shark+or+something&oq=what's+in+the+bag+a+sha&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.1.0.0i24l2.3683.5444..7763...2....392.1047.6j0j1j1......0....1.........0.pzB4FKTgt7U%3D#imgrc=ImmhtrFoGFMr5M:
  16. kevybaby

    Red light

    Hate red light. Gimme dat green light ya know.
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