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Everything posted by Phred

  1. Hey TW! How is your shoulder doing? Just had my rotator cuff repaired last week, sucks being in a sling. Back to work Monday, though.

    1. TrackWarrior


      Phred, sorry i took so long to answer this. Hope Your rehab is going well. i had been going to PT 3x's a week cruising along when all of a sudden I seemed to be going backwards. Perhaps too much, too soon?? Went to DR. Wed and going back in for surgery on Monday. Shoulder is frozen!!! WTF??? i am leaving for New Mexico on Thursday for 2 weeks. Can't catch a break. Be well

  2. Hey Edgar! How are you?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Phred


      I had rotator cuff surgery last week and my right arm is pretty immobile. Looks good, though. Going back to work Monday, not sure how I will do. Dying to make a speedy recovery and get down to the FF - started exploring new territory of pain with mZ and I don't want to let it rest too much :) .

    3. EdgarAH


      Oh, I wish you a speedy recovery. Take care of it and don't rush it, especially at the gym. I was thinking of your "new territory" statement, I actually create my own adrenaline rush preparing for that. Do you?

    4. Phred


      My buddy is very conservative - sling for 4 weeks, then gentle PT. Probably get back in the gym in a week or two, but only for legs and light cardio. Agree with you on the adrenaline rush thing. I've been doing the same thing at the FF for months, so I asked mZ to try some new things with me. It's really been on my mind a lot lately so I'm chomping at the bit to keep pushing forward. Getting bored just sitting around at home restricted to using only my left arm.

  3. Hello Mistress Tran! Thanks for stopping in to my recent session. Loved the whipping!

    1. Phred


      I recently discovered that staring into the eyes of my tormenter really attenuates the pain and makes it much more intense, which is why I kept coming up to you and getting in your face. It wasn't that I needed comforting, I just really wanted to get close and stare into your eyes while I was experiencing the pain. Maybe that's weird, I don't know.

    2. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      Did you know that dogs stare at their masters becuase it's their way of building an emotional connection.

    3. Howard


      IS there a subtle implication that when we submissives stare at you Mistress Tran that we are trying to build an emotional connection? Personally I think it is because you have awsome beauty.

  4. JuJuB! HAHAHA! That, by far, is the funniest post EVER! I can't stop laughing !
  5. I believe Mistress Kang has posted numerous times about how she loves to session with a newbie.
  6. Agree 100% on this one. It seems to informal to address them by their last names, and I don't think I would feel comfortable writing it that way. At the very least, this is THEIR house and we are GUESTS.
  7. This is a great topic. I have been discussing BDSM with a female friend of mine - she's very curious and knows that I like BDSM, but she doesn't really know the full extent. The other day she asked me if I was more comfortable being dominant or submissive, and I blurted out "I'm dominant 100% of the time - I need a break, so of course I'm submissive." Caught me a bit by surprise ...
  8. Haven't seen the movie, but one of my all-time favorites of course is "Pumping Iron". Not so much for the bodybuilding part, but it is so much fun to watch Arnold wage psychological war against Lou Ferrigno and run rings around him. Arnold's pretty much won the contest before they even step on stage! BTW - I'm completely addicted to strength: http://www.someecards.com/usercards/viewcard/MjAxMi00OTE3ZTBmNTUxNDRlYmE5
  9. Been listening a lot to this song, for some reason it reminded me of you. I'm picturing you standing at the bar of a speakeasy,

    1. Phred


      ...wearing a black pinstripe double-breasted suit, Fedora, carrying a Tommy Gun and coolly scanning the room with your devilish eyes:

    2. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      I do look good in a Fedora!

  10. Incredibly HIGH on LIFE right now!!! Want to run to the highest peak and scream her name!!!

  11. DUDE! Have the same problem ! Before I lift, I usually do a brief "fart check" off in the corner of the gym to make sure there's no potential in there. I would be completely mortified if I ripped ass into my trainer as she is spotting my squat, since she's standing right behind me up against my back, my butt in her stomach and her arms around my chest. Oh boy... Not to beat a dead horse, but... OK, I'm going to beat a dead horse here. In the 80s there was a race horse named "Hoof Hearted" - say that 10 times fast! Anyway, there's a video on YouTube of the announcer calling the race - pretty damn funny! Did you know that anesthesiologists are called "gas passers"? Because they give (pass) gas to put people to sleep. For surgery. OK, crickets....
  12. I usually get worked up weeks before my session. The anticipation, excitement, anxiety, all rolled into one. Can't sleep to well, can't focus at work, just want to get down and be on my knees in the Steel Room. The problem I usually have is that I tend to burn myself out and peak a few days before my session, so when my session actually rolls around, I am sometimes a complete waste. Have not fully learned how to time the peak with the session, but if I could I know it would be incredible. BTW - Brad, I can't take credit for Twitterpated . It comes from "Bambi": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8WuDIcNE-o
  13. Did you know today was a National Holiday??? http://www.steakandbjday.com/

    1. EdgarAH


      Thanks! Hell, let's make every Friday that National Holiday! Let's start a petition. :D

  14. Hey TW! Sorry to invade your space, but couldn't help notice you had shoulder surgery. I hope everything went well! I'm getting scoped myself in May for a supraspinatus tear.

    1. TrackWarrior


      You are never invading my space Phred. Had a SLAP tear and full thickness tear of supraspinatus. 3 hours of surgery and back to work in 5 days. He won't let me start PT for 2 weeks though. I was in more pain before the surgery so I am glad it is done. Thanks Phred ttys

    2. Phred


      That's great! My guy won't let me go back to work for 2 weeks, then I'm on restricted duty for about 4 weeks after that. My bench probably won't be back to normal for 6 months.

    3. Phred


      Trying to squeeze out one last powerlifting contest before I get scoped and sidelined. Trying to prove I really don't need a supraspinatus anyway :) ! Good luck with your recovery!

  15. Hello Mistress Tran! I saw your recent gallery photo, and I was really blown away at how incredibly beautiful you are without makeup! Would love to have a session with you without all the eye makeup :) !

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Phred


      Absolutely - 100 percent!

    3. Phred


      GULP! Spoke too soon, not quite sure what I've gotten myself into?!?!?

    4. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      You already agreed! Im keeping you to it!

  16. For some unexplained reason, I keep meeting beautiful Asian women in their late 20s. Is this a sign????

    1. EdgarAH


      Don't ask why, just say thank you Phred! ;)

  17. Was a bit skittish about posting this in the forum, but did you see this on the news? Right around the corner from the FF: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/man_attacks_wife_with_meat_cleaver_KMM759UanzhJwRXR7NMMkJ

    1. EdgarAH


      You know what? I did see that, saw the firefighters, heard it was Chinatown and figured it must indeed be that firehouse. Wow, small world, right?

  18. DUDE!!! Love the new avatar! Banana-hammock! Totally classic!

    1. EdgarAH


      Haha, thanks! I posted it for an upcoming session with mZ, mJung, and mTran. I hope we have a lot of laughs. :D

  19. Good for you, Woffy, on you weight loss! Injuries absolutely drive me crazy - I'm trying to work out some shoulder impingement pain these days, which is really holding me back. Have you ever tried glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM? I take that combo and it works really well for my joint pain. I think it's part placebo and part voodoo, but I can't really argue with the results. Keep up the good work, and would love to hear more progress reports!
  20. Hey Edgar! How are you! I just started training with chains, it's opened up a whole new dimension for me! I highly recommend it. Prepping for another contest in May.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Phred


      I use them on the deadlift and benchpress - helps with strength. Here are some examples:

    3. Phred


      I'm also working on a little lifting project for Mistress Zhao, and I finally have all the pieces! Hope to do what I need to do in the next few weeks!

      Glad you had Monday off. TTYS.

    4. EdgarAH


      Wow! That first guy has some crazy barrel chest. It looks somewhat grueling. I lift right around 4 times a week. I'd like to switch it up from time to time to incorporate some more power lifts. I already do bench, deadlifts, and squats, just with higher reps (8-15). Good luck in the contest!

  21. No, but I used to live about 6 blocks away. I threw a raging kegger for the Millenium, and I remember when it turned midnight, you could hear this incredible roar coming from Times Square - even with the windows and doors closed! It was quite something to remember.
  22. "Items"? What items ... Agree 100% with you, Edgar.
  23. Hello Mistress Tran! Thank you for an amazing session last week! As always, you were both beautiful and incredible! Absolutely loved the playlist!

    1. Phred


      When I left my session, I heard this on the radio. Love the lines "Let the beatings begin, distributor of pain, your loss becomes my gain. Anger, misery, you'll suffer unto me." Mistress Tran, you will always be my Harvester Of Sorrow :)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyQDr4ZBvAA

    2. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      Im glad I could help you work through some internal struggles....it's a relieving and liberating feeling.

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