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Everything posted by risotto

  1. I just was her doggy a few days ago! First time I've been in that leather dog hood.
  2. I had the opportunity to meet two new-to-me Fortress mistresses yesterday and it was a terrific time. I've been experimenting with light role play requests and for this session, in an unhelpfully vague way, just asked that the Mistresses act as bullies. They took this to be high school bullies and had a lot of fun with it; the mean tone and verbal abuse was just what I was in the mood for. I'd say something about M. Hadid's appearance, but she was there for only the first hour of the session and I didn't have much in the way of vision for any of that hour; the women started out by putting me in a very tight-fitting rubber hood. I like hoods, but this one, this one I loved. It's tight everywhere, including at the neck, so I was continuously conscious of its presence. The rubber distributed the force of blows and slaps to the face and head. Plus, instead of totally blocking vision, the hood has tiny perforations around the eyes allowing little peeps at what is going on. This was even more disorienting and frightening than being fully blindfolded and M. Hadid particularly played with that, letting me get just a glimpse of what she was up to, then surprise! going at me a different way. And laughing about it. Then they added a gag and sound-blocking headphones and I was ready to go. After a little flogging on my knees, they tied me to the steel ladder frame, standing face-forward, rope bound at wrist and elbow, then started hitting and pinching me randomly, so I couldn't tell what was coming, while wiring up my thighs, cock and balls. M. Hadid wasn't kidding about the boxing thing. She was strongly physical with the impact play, which I much enjoyed. Or at least I'm pretty sure it was her. They did a terrific job on the sensory overload, with random impacts, varied and surprising electro, scratching, pinching. I'm not a huge pain slut and they did a perfect job of gauging when the electro was starting to get to be too much for me. Throughout, M. Feng displayed outstanding intuition and was constantly paying close attention. Off to get tied to the pouffe and have medical play performed on me. How many? I have no idea, since I couldn't see and I certainly couldn't count. I love the visual, but I also love not knowing what's coming, or when it's going to end. Two great tastes in any case. We said goodbye to M. Hadid. Or at least M. Feng did, as I was still drooling out of my gag. I'd requested one of M. Feng's specialties and now was the time. M. Feng's reputation precedes her and is well-deserved. I had to disappoint her a little - she had to leave for a minute to grab something smaller, but once geared up she was really going hard while I admired her feet and legs, taking advantage of my newly-granted vision. She bet I would tap out before her, and she won that bet easily. M. Feng's trash talk and threats were massively entertaining. For a first meeting, M. Feng got me incredibly well. I look forward to seeing her again. And I'd recommend anyone who gets the chance to add in M. Hadid to their session.
  3. Saw M. Hadid today, with M. Feng leading. M. Hadid has terrific instincts and physicality.
  4. So thanks to the Headmistress, I've learned that I'm entirely comfortable with sharing the experience of having needles stuck in my scrotum, yet totally unwilling to divulge my Netflix history.
  5. I think the only bit I've learned is that if the question is "are you scared?", the answer is "yes." Because the alternative will be unpleasant.
  6. I saw this a while back, and the thing that got me was that absolutely nothing is built in. Anyone with a finished basement could do this, just ordering off the internet. Plus, by the photos, the selection of implements is very limited. Still, the owner apparently has done very well off AirBNB on this house. So, I think there's a lesson there, that there are many people who want to play with BDSM, but need an excuse.
  7. Well, that's the problem, I don't really know. I've had sessions get pretty painful, by my standards, but I was nowhere close to crying. Maybe predicament bondage? I've been wanting to try that for a while.
  8. I've thought of making a session request to see if the Mistresses could make me cry, but I haven't done it. I worry it would produce a session with more pain than I'm really looking for.
  9. I never have. I wish I could, really. I cry all the time at bad movies. And I can't watch movies at all if a dog dies. Fortunately, there's a web site for checking that.
  10. Well, truffled risotto is easy. Just need to add truffle oil. And mushroom risotto is certainly good too. There's a stall at the Union Square greenmarket that sells gorgeous mushrooms. Their golden oyster mushrooms are almost too pretty to eat.
  11. The Fortress women are all pros. M. Rey is especially experienced. Being nervous before a session is part of the fun. But on the deeper level, you have nothing to worry about. Just do as she says.
  12. Naturally. I like to make shrimp risotto.
  13. Arya's the most badass, but she has some serious morality issues. Also, I'm not in any way badass. I'm going to go with Margaery Tyrell. Smart and willing to do, well, a lot. Apparently Westeros doesn't have the concept of statutory rape, so I guess she's not a rapist. She's also totally gay positive; bonus!
  14. I love to cook. I can't give a one-dish answer as I'd try to understand the particular Mistress's preferences before getting started. Because I've only been messing with sous vide for a few months, my first thought would be 72 hr sous vide short ribs, based on a David Chang recipe. These guys go into the recirculator in a sort-of-complicated Asian marinade with some substantial sweetness, but a good bit of acid to balance it. (I use okinomi-yaki sauce for the sweetness, because I always have that in my fridge.) They are finished, off the bone (easy after 3 days) on super high heat to sear and glaze. Another impressive one is poussin in Calvados cream sauce, Norman style - looks great because everyone gets their own little bird. Pork tenderloin Norman style is also excellent. I like to cook duck when I want to impress people because lots of people never touch duck for home cooking. Some of my favorites are 911 duck (so good it sent a friend to hospital!), duck breast with white pepper and plums and Venetian duck ragu with fresh papardelle. For Mistress Fang, well, I always just wing tomato sauces, though in practice I usually just buy them from Rafetto's on W. Houston, because theirs is as good as mine.
  15. I did an apartment inspection and indeed one is over and one is over. So I really don't notice and don't care. As I said, I'm just switchy; it's all fun.
  16. CBT is also, "Competency Based Training." I had to deal with that professionally without sniggering.
  17. The Simpsons' take on the question. Please note that the opinions expressed in this video do not necessarily reflect my own.
  18. Ah well, I'm just too switchy.
  19. I never notice which way it is.
  20. Interesting question. I pay a lot of attention but I put little or no thought into prediction, in part because I'm looking to be surprised. For me, a huge part of the session is just totally letting go and letting it run its course. But the whole thing is a heightened interpersonal interaction, so yes, I'm paying attention all the time.
  21. Usually when I'm at the Fortress I request "no marks," so, mostly, no lies. The no marks thing is a little unfortunate, because I do sometimes enjoy a good beating. In any case, on one occasion I had a week or so of grace time, and I asked to try caning, which I had once tried, not at the Fortress, in a session that really didn't work out well at all. M. Rey wielded the cane, and I must say, her grouping is admirable. I had a near perfect red rectangle, really quite large, on one ass cheek that turned deep purple within a day or two. A week of healing did not come close to cutting it - it was visible for at least two weeks. I tried to keep my lie simple, dull and unmemorable, "I slipped on the stairs and landed on my butt."
  22. Hmm, I've never really thought about this sort of thing before, but the thread is pretty hot.
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